


Compare and contrast Obama's approach to foreign policy with Bush's approach.Make sure to explain the overarching theories that inform both administrations.

On May 01, 2024

Obama's approach to foreign policy was characterized by a focus on multilateralism, diplomacy, and a more cautious use of military force. His administration emphasized the importance of working with international partners and building coalitions to address global challenges. Obama also sought to engage with adversaries through dialogue and negotiation, as seen in his efforts to reach a nuclear deal with Iran.

In contrast, Bush's approach to foreign policy was marked by a more unilateralist and interventionist stance. The Bush administration pursued a more aggressive and assertive foreign policy, particularly in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. This was evident in the decision to invade Iraq in 2003, as well as the broader "war on terror" framework that guided U.S. foreign policy during his presidency.

The overarching theory that informed Obama's foreign policy was a belief in the power of diplomacy and international cooperation to address global challenges. This approach was rooted in a more pragmatic and realist view of international relations, which emphasized the importance of working with other countries to achieve common goals.

On the other hand, Bush's foreign policy was informed by a more idealistic and neoconservative worldview, which emphasized the promotion of democracy and American values abroad. This approach was characterized by a willingness to use military force to advance U.S. interests and reshape the international order in line with American principles.

Overall, the differences in approach between the two administrations reflect broader debates within U.S. foreign policy about the appropriate role of the United States in the world and the best means of advancing its interests. While Obama's approach was more cautious and focused on cooperation, Bush's approach was more assertive and interventionist.


What was the principal purpose of NATO?

A) To rebuild national economies devastated during World War II
B) To protect American interests in places like the Middle East
C) To act as a kind of global policeman
D) To protect Western Europe from Soviet aggression

On Apr 30, 2024



Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous speech telling the world "I have a dream" during which of the following?

A) The signing ceremony of the Civil Rights Act
B) The March on Washington
C) The Woolworth lunch counter sit-in
D) The Montgomery bus boycott
E) The March on Selma

On Apr 28, 2024