


Identify two innovations in aerospace technology used in Boeing's 787 Dreamliner.

On Jul 20, 2024

Technological advances include engine technology that contributes to 8% increase in fuel efficiency, electronic maintenance monitoring, superlightweight airframe.


The R2 (i.e., R-squared)tells us the percentage of the variation in the dependent variable (cost)that is explained by variation in the independent variable (activity).

On Jul 16, 2024



Which term describes the profits that each entity could distribute if distributions between the interrelated entities were made continuously until next to nothing was left?

A) Notional
B) Reciprocal
C) Marginal
D) Consolidated

On Jun 20, 2024



Which graph shows changes in relationship over time?​

A) Pie chart
B) Line graph
C) Horizontal bar graph or grouped bar graphs
D) ​3-D stacked bar graph

On Jun 16, 2024



Stan doesn't like having neighborhood teenagers walk across his yard at night. He rigs an animal trap on the path the teenagers usually use to cross his land. One night, Tim and his friends are walking across the yard when Tim gets caught in the trap. He is taken to the hospital for his injuries. Stan:

A) has the right to strongly discourage anyone from trespassing, and Tim was a trespasser.
B) has no duty toward Tim.
C) is not free to inflict intentional injury on a trespasser.
D) is liable to Tim only if he had not warned Tim that he was putting a trap there.

On May 21, 2024



CW,Inc.publishes Consumer Watchdog,a magazine whose articles consist of the writers' personal experiences with and reactions to a variety of products.In the June 1997 issue of Consumer Watchdog,a review included this statement: "Fungus Co.'s 'Fungo' brand athlete's foot powder doesn't cut the mustard in comparison to most athlete's foot powders on the market--and I've tried them all,sports fans.Fungo fails to attack athlete's foot with enough force because the product doesn't contain AF88,the active ingredient in any decent athlete's foot powder." In fact,Fungo contains as much AF88 as any other athlete's foot powder on the market.Fungus Co.has filed suit against CW on the theory that the above statements violated section 43(a)of the Lanham Act.On these facts,should Fungus win the section 43(a)case? Why or why not? Would Fungus have success under any other claims?

On May 17, 2024

Fungus should lose the section 43(a)case because the statement about which Fungus complains (the false statement about Fungo)was not made in a context covered by section 43(a).The case should therefore be dismissed.Section 43(a)-based claims may be brought by commercial plaintiffs in some instances in which the defendant's false statement was about the plaintiff's product or service.However,to be actionable under section 43(a),the defendant's statement must have been in the context of commercial advertising or some other promotional setting.Here,the false statement was in a story in a magazine (Consumer Watchdog)rather than in the context of advertising or promotion.Section 43(a)therefore does not apply.Instead of suing under section 43(a),Fungus should have brought an injurious falsehood claim.