


The job of _____ is to impose a settlement.

A) an arbitrator
B) a mediator
C) a collective bargaining team leader

On Jul 11, 2024



The current ratio will be lower over the lease term when the lessee treats the lease as a capital lease rather than an operating lease.

On Jul 09, 2024



The following data have been provided by Moretta Corporation, a company that produces forklift trucks: The following data have been provided by Moretta Corporation, a company that produces forklift trucks:   Supplies cost is an element of variable manufacturing overhead.The variable overhead efficiency variance for supplies cost is: A) $135 U B) $135 F C) $966 U D) $966 F Supplies cost is an element of variable manufacturing overhead.The variable overhead efficiency variance for supplies cost is:

A) $135 U
B) $135 F
C) $966 U
D) $966 F

On Jun 11, 2024



What are the four primary functions of a corporate-level strategy within a multi-business company?

On Jun 09, 2024

In a multi-business company,strategic management encompasses four major tasks at the corporate
level: 1.Providing a clear overall vision for the single business units,exercising guidance and control over the individual businesses; 2.Allocating resources to the single business units,thus managing the portfolio in a way that cash flow and risks are balanced,and sustainable long-term growth is achieved; 3.Managing linkages among the business units and exploiting synergies; and 4.Developing central competence and providing services and resources to the business units.


How do economists view the overall effectiveness of antitrust policy?

On May 12, 2024

Most economists conclude that, overall, U.S. antitrust policy has been moderately effective in achieving its goal of promoting competition and efficiency. Much of the success of antitrust policy arises from its deterrent effect on price-fixing and anticompetitive mergers. Antitrust policy has not been effective at restricting the rise of or breaking up monopolies but has been somewhat effective against abusive monopoly behavior. This effectiveness is diminished by a slow legal process.


All of the gas stations in Smalltown agree to charge the same price for gas.The owners of the various companies get together every Friday in a coffee shop to decide what the price will be next week.This is:

A) a violation of the Section 1 of the Sherman Act.
B) a violation of the McCarran-Ferguson Act.
C) a violation of the Robinson-Patman Act.
D) not a violation,as long as it benefits consumers.

On May 10, 2024



______ states that goals should fall somewhere in the middle in terms of difficulty (just right) in order to be achievable.

On May 09, 2024

The Goldilocks Rule (or theory)