


Sensation is typically understood as the detection of simple stimulus attributes. How would perception usually be defined?

A) how we form attitudes about the world we see
B) how we come to understand people
C) how we organize and integrate simple sensory elements
D) a lower-order brain process, primarily executed by the hindbrain

On Jul 25, 2024



What is the difference between a situational and a dispositional attribution?

On Jul 22, 2024

Situational and dispositional attributions are concepts from social psychology that describe the different ways in which people explain the causes of behavior or events. The distinction between the two lies in whether the explanation is attributed to internal factors (dispositional) or external factors (situational).

Dispositional Attribution:
Dispositional attribution refers to the tendency to attribute a person's behavior to internal factors, such as personality traits, beliefs, or abilities. When making a dispositional attribution, an observer assumes that the behavior is due to the individual's inherent qualities or disposition. For example, if a student performs well on a test, a dispositional attribution would be to say that the student is intelligent or hardworking.

Situational Attribution:
Situational attribution, on the other hand, involves attributing a person's behavior to external factors that are outside the individual's control. This could include the influence of other people, the environment, the context of the situation, or specific circumstances that the individual is facing. Using the same example of a student performing well on a test, a situational attribution would be to say that the student had a good teacher, received extra help, or that the test was easy.

The distinction between situational and dispositional attributions is important because it affects how we perceive and judge others. The tendency to overestimate the role of dispositional factors and underestimate the role of situational factors when evaluating someone else's behavior is known as the fundamental attribution error. This bias can lead to misunderstandings and misjudgments about people's actions and intentions.

In summary, the key difference between situational and dispositional attributions is whether the cause of behavior is believed to be rooted in the individual's personality and character (dispositional) or in the external environment and circumstances (situational). Understanding these concepts helps us to better analyze why people behave the way they do and to be more empathetic and accurate in our assessments of others.


Prashanth is participating in a psychology experiment in which he is asked to gradually shrink the image of a square on his computer screen until he can just barely see that it is smaller than
A second square on the screen.Prashanth is trying to create a

A) signal detection.
B) absolute threshold.
C) just-noticeable difference.
D) sensory adaptation.

On Jun 25, 2024



The chameleon effect involves

A) informational social influence.
B) natural mimicry.
C) cognitive dissonance.
D) personal control.

On Jun 22, 2024



An elaborate ceremony used to celebrate a person's emergence into adulthood is an example of

A) postconventional morality.
B) role confusion.
C) a pruning process.
D) a rite of passage.

On May 26, 2024



Suppose that a syllogism has four terms: uncommunicative people, communicative people, Ruth, and people who make friends easily.Can the rules of validity determine whether or not the syllogism is valid?

A) Yes, but only after immediate inference is used to collapse the first two terms into one.
B) Yes, but only after immediate inference is used to expand the number of terms to six.
C) Yes, the rules can be applied without first making any changes to the syllogism.
D) No, because it is impossible to put the syllogism into standard form.
E) No, because the rules of validity cannot be used when one of the terms is a proper name.

On May 23, 2024