


Printed materials that you give to the audience to supplement your presentation should be

A) incidental to your overall presentation strategy.
B) an integral part of your presentation strategy.
C) distributed to your audience during your presentation.
D) out of sync with your slides and your spoken message.
E) sent electronically prior to the presentation date.

On Aug 03, 2024



Indicate why the Donoghue v. Stevenson case (the snail in the ginger beer bottle) was so important in the development of negligence law.

On Jul 30, 2024

Here students should display an understanding of what happened in the case and should explain how the reasonable foreseeability test was developed. The concept of a duty owed to your neighbour was modified so that you owed a duty to take steps not to injure anyone you could anticipate might be harmed by your actions. Good students will also discuss how the case expanded the law, particularly with respect to product liability.


If people specialize in producing those goods for which they possess a comparative advantage,then an economy as a whole can produce a greater quantity of goods.

On Jul 04, 2024



Differences among members of the workforce -- such as age, gender and national origin -- are characteristics of:

A) management challenges.
B) workforce diversity.
C) organisational gaps.
D) economic barriers for workforce development.
E) cultural similarities.

On Jun 30, 2024



​Holding other things constant,if the Japanese Yen,depreciates,it makes the imports to Japan

A) ​More expensive for Japanese customer
B) Less expensive for Japanese customers
C) Neither more or less expensive for importers
D) ​None of the above

On Jun 04, 2024



Perceived inequity occurs whenever a person feels that the rewards received for his/her work efforts are unfair given the rewards others appear to be getting for their work efforts.

On May 31, 2024



If average total cost is declining,marginal cost cannot be increasing.

On May 04, 2024



What is a stroke? How does it affect a person's emotions?

On May 01, 2024

Answers will vary. People engage in communication with others in the hope that the outcome might lead to mutual trust, mutual pleasure, and psychological well-being. The communication exchange is a means of sharing information about things, ideas, tasks, and selves.
Each communication interaction, whether casual or formal, provides an emotional stroke that can have either a positive or a negative effect on your feelings about yourself and others. Getting a pat on the back from a supervisor, receiving a congratulatory phone call or text message, and being listened to by another person are examples of everyday positive strokes. Negative strokes might include receiving a hurtful comment, being avoided or left out of conversation, and receiving a reprimand from a superior. By paying attention to the importance of strokes, managers can greatly improve communication and people's feelings about their work.