Brianna Chichester




Discuss the advantages and potential challenges of using traditional healers in treatment with clients of color.

On Jul 29, 2024

The use of traditional healers in treatment with clients of color can have several advantages. Traditional healers often come from the same cultural background as their clients, which can lead to a greater sense of understanding and trust between the healer and the client. This can be particularly important for clients of color who may have experienced discrimination or lack of understanding in mainstream healthcare settings. Traditional healers may also incorporate cultural practices and beliefs into their treatment, which can be more aligned with the client's worldview and may lead to better treatment outcomes.

However, there are also potential challenges associated with using traditional healers in treatment with clients of color. One challenge is the lack of regulation and standardization in traditional healing practices, which can lead to variability in the quality of care provided. Additionally, traditional healing practices may not always align with evidence-based medical practices, which could potentially lead to ineffective or harmful treatments. There may also be barriers to communication and collaboration between traditional healers and mainstream healthcare providers, which could impact the overall coordination of care for the client.

It is important for healthcare providers to approach the use of traditional healers with an open mind and to work towards integrating traditional healing practices with evidence-based medical care in a culturally sensitive and respectful manner. This may involve building partnerships and communication channels between traditional healers and mainstream healthcare providers, as well as advocating for greater recognition and support for traditional healing practices within the healthcare system. Ultimately, the use of traditional healers in treatment with clients of color can be beneficial, but it requires careful consideration of the potential advantages and challenges involved.


Which of the following statements about self-awareness is correct?​

A) ​Human do not have the ability for self-awareness at birth.
B) ​Self-awareness does not develop as fully in less technologically advanced societies.
C) ​Self-awareness is the ability to advocate the moral importance of one's actions.
D) ​Not all humans have self-awareness; it is culturally conditioned.

On Jul 25, 2024



Descent groups are:​

A) ​based on residence rules
B) ​strict clan memberships
C) various nonkin institutions
D) ​based on a common ancestor

On Jun 29, 2024



The emergence of social classes is called _________________________.​

On Jun 25, 2024

​social stratification


Which of the following statements about marriage prohibitions in the United States is correct?​

A) ​Consanguineous unions (fist-cousin marriage) show an increase of more than 8 percent in predicted birth defects of offspring.
B) ​Cousin prohibitions in marriage were enacted by law in the United States long before genetic research began.
C) ​Inbreeding was considered a sign of family viability and success in the United States in the early 1900s.
D) ​There is a lower risk of birth defects in offspring from women who are older than 50 years than in first-cousin marriages.

On May 30, 2024



In the Zealot-defensive stage of Identity Development in the Classroom, Ponterotto describes which of the following behaviors?

A) Stimulation of feelings of anger or guilt
B) Tendency to either overidentify with ethnic minorities or completely distance themselves from them
C) Strong desire to learn about cultural differences and advocate strongly for the rights of minority groups
D) Tendency to withdraw into isolation to avoid race-related topics

On May 26, 2024



The homogenization of the world's different cultures is sometimes referred to as:​

A) ​Google Earth
B) ​McDonaldization
C) ​accommodation
D) ​WalMart-ization

On Apr 30, 2024



Humans and apes are classified as strepsirhines.​

On Apr 26, 2024
