


Refer to Table 23-6. What was the inflation rate for 2010? Show your work.

On Jul 27, 2024

2009 is the base year so the GDP Deflator is 100.
Nominal GDP was $5x90 + $50x15 = $1,200. Real GDP was $5x90 + $50x15 = $1,200.
The GDP Deflator = 100 x Nominal GDP/Real GDP = 100.
For 2010
Nominal GDP was $5x100 + $60x15 = $1,400. Real GDP was $5x100 + $50x15 = $1,250.
The GDP deflator = 100 x nominal GDP/real GDP = 100 x $1,400/$1,250 = 112.
The inflation rate for 2010 = (2010 GDP Deflator - 2009 GDP Deflator)/2009 GDP Deflator
= (112 - 100)/100 = 12/100 = 12%


An alternative to random experiments is to rely on ________ to mimic the controlled experiment.

A) natural experiments
B) mirror experiments
C) manipulated experiments
D) predetermined experiments

On Jul 26, 2024



Explain what is meant by a novation.

On Jun 27, 2024

A novation occurs where two parties have a contractual relationship and another comes in, taking the place of one of those parties, but the terms of the contract remain the same. Note that the agreement of both of the original parties is necessary for such a substitution.


Defend or refute: Servant leadership should be conceptualized as a behavior rather than a trait.

On Jun 26, 2024

If conceptualized as a behavior,servant leadership can be learned and is available to everyone.Liden et al.'s research identifies seven specific behaviors that individuals can develop to become servant leaders.If conceptualized as a trait,servant leadership appears to be reserved for only a special few who exhibit this trait.A trait perspective lends credence to those who argue that certain people are "called" to be leaders.


What should be the first step in the auditing process?

A) Secure the commitment of top executives and directors
B) Define the scope of the audit
C) Establish a committee to oversee the audit
D) Collect and analyze data
E) Review organizational mission, goals, values, and policies

On May 28, 2024



The court will never look at adequacy of consideration as long as at least one party has given some detriment.

On May 27, 2024
