


In a business meeting where both men and women are present, women are more likely than men to:

A) misunderstand nonverbal cues sent by others in the meeting.
B) assert their power by giving advice to others in the meeting.
C) focus on exchanging information rather than using the conversation to build relationships.
D) do only 'A' and 'B'.
E) do none of the above

On May 15, 2024



In ascertaining intent to benefit the third party,a court will look to all of the following,except:

A) the language used by the parties.
B) the surrounding circumstances.
C) whether the promisor was to render performance directly to the third party.
D) whether the benefit to the third party had any value.

On May 15, 2024



Which of the following costing systems is more accurate for overhead cost allocation and most likely to allow managers the ability to make better pricing decisions?

A) Departmental overhead allocation rates.
B) Plantwide overhead rate.
C) Activity-based costing.
D) Traditional costing system.
E) Direct costing.

On May 15, 2024



The total assets and total liabilities of Paul's Pools, a proprietorship, at the beginning and at the end of the current fiscal year are as follows:
 January 1 December 31 Total assets $280,000$475,000 Total liabilities 205,000130,000\begin{array}{lrr}&\text { January } 1 & \text { December } 31\\\text { Total assets } & \$ 280,000 & \$ 475,000 \\\text { Total liabilities } & 205,000 & 130,000\end{array} Total assets  Total liabilities  January 1$280,000205,000 December 31$475,000130,000
(a)Determine the amount of net income earned during the year. The owner did not invest any additional assets in the business during the year and made no withdrawals.
(b)Determine the amount of net income during the year. The assets and liabilities at the beginning and end of the year are unchanged from the amounts presented above. However, the owner withdrew $53,000 in cash during the year
(no additional investments).
(c)Determine the amount of net income earned during the year. The assets and liabilities at the beginning and end of the year are unchanged from the amounts presented above. However, the owner invested an additional $35,000 in cash in the business in June of the current fiscal year
(no withdrawals).
(d)Determine the amount of net income earned during the year. The assets and liabilities at the beginning and end of the year are unchanged from the amounts presented above. However, the owner invested an additional $12,000 in cash in August of the current fiscal year and made 12 monthly cash withdrawals of $1,500 each during the year.

On May 15, 2024



The closing of a persuasive request should

A) establish your credibility and demonstrate your competence.
B) meet governmental regulations.
C) describe the problem.
D) motivate action.

On May 12, 2024