


How was diversity expressed in American politics?

On Jul 02, 2024

creation of different political parties; newspapers, books


How did Sen. J William Fulbright of Arkansas assess the Vietnam War during the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearings on Vietnam in 1966?

A) He described it as a "noble cause for world peace and prosperity."
B) He called "Vietnam the first domino - and California the last."
C) He declared Vietnam "a clear case of international communist aggression."
D) He found it to be "a civil war in which outside parties have become involved."

On Jun 29, 2024



Slavery did not affect northern merchants and manufacturers.

On Jun 02, 2024



Which statement is true about the difference between farming in the Old Northwest and the Northeast?

A) Farming in the Northeast needed slave labor.
B) Wheat farming in the Northeast made New York the flour capital.
C) Old Northwest farms depended on the cotton gin.
D) Farming was done on a much bigger scale in the Old Northwest.
E) Farming in the Old Northwest required slaves.

On May 30, 2024



Which of the following was true of minstrel shows in the 1830s and 1840s?

A) By ridiculing African Americans, they stoked the fires of racism.
B) They provided a forum through which whites and blacks could better understand and accept their cultural differences.
C) They served as the major entry point for African Americans into the entertainment industry.
D) By popularizing African American song and dance, they served to break down racial barriers.

On May 02, 2024



One German newcomer wrote that "there aren't any masters [in America], here everyone is a free agent." How accurate a statement was that? Why would a German immigrant view America as free? Do you think an Irish immigrant would feel the same way about America? Why or why not?

On Apr 30, 2024

The statement made by the German newcomer about there not being any masters in America and everyone being a free agent is somewhat accurate. America has a strong emphasis on individual freedom and autonomy, which can be seen in its political and economic systems. In America, there is a strong belief in the idea of self-determination and the ability for individuals to pursue their own goals and dreams without being held back by traditional hierarchies or social constraints. This can be appealing to immigrants who come from countries with more rigid social structures and less individual freedom.

A German immigrant may view America as free due to its emphasis on individualism, opportunity, and the ability to carve out one's own path in life. In Germany, there may be more of a focus on conformity and following established norms, so the contrast with America's emphasis on individual freedom could be quite striking for a newcomer.

On the other hand, an Irish immigrant may not necessarily feel the same way about America. While America does offer opportunities for individual freedom and success, it also has its own set of challenges and limitations. Irish immigrants may face discrimination, economic hardship, and other obstacles that could impact their perception of America as a land of unlimited freedom. Additionally, Irish immigrants may have a strong sense of community and tradition that could make them feel more connected to their homeland and less inclined to embrace the idea of complete individual freedom.

Overall, the perception of America as a land of freedom and opportunity can vary depending on an individual's background, experiences, and personal beliefs. While some immigrants may see America as a place where everyone is a free agent, others may have a more nuanced view based on their own unique circumstances.