


Discuss the empirical evidence and uses of cognitive restructuring in general.​

On Jun 02, 2024

Answers may vary. Cognitive restructuring procedures are particularly relevant for treating problems associated with low self-esteem; distorted perceptions in interpersonal relations; unrealistic expectations of self, others, and life in general; irrational fears, panic, anxiety, and depression; control of anger and other impulses; and lack of assertiveness (Cormier & Nurius, 2003; Walsh, 2006). Selected studies have demonstrated the range of cognitive restructuring components in treating anger (Dahlen & Deffenbacher, 2000), impulse control associated with child abuse and gambling (Sharpe & Tarrier, 1992), and substance abuse and relapse (Bakker et al., 1997; Steigerwald & Stone, 1999). Results of studies have also shown cognitive restructuring to be effective in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (Foa et al., 2005), social phobias and anxiety (Feeny, 2004), spousal caregiver support groups (Gendron et al., 1996), and in crisis or trauma situations (Glancy & Saini, 2005; Jaycox, Zoellner, & Foa, 2002). The procedures of cognitive restructuring are often blended with other interventions .​


Gestalt counselors work with clients to confront their "shoulds" in order to help clients ____________________________________.

A) avoid taking existential responsibility for their lives
B) regulate emotions in unhealthy ways
C) confront others putting pressure on them
D) live authentically

On May 29, 2024