


How does punctuated equilibrium differ from the Darwin model of gradual change over time?​

On Jul 05, 2024

Punctuated equilibrium is a model that argues that periods of stable change are occasionally punctuated by periods of rapid change.​


Which racial identity learning process involves a child's learning to apply the newly gained concept of race to himself or herself?

A) Racial classification ability
B) Racial identification
C) Racial evaluation
D) Racial acceptance

On Jul 02, 2024



All of the following are stages of genocide except:​

A) ​polarization
B) ​dehumanization
C) ​extermination
D) ​exaltation

On Jun 29, 2024



The greatest of changes associated with the formation of community in the digital age is the possibility of forming community across:​

A) ​geographical region
B) ​age
C) ​social class
D) ​gender

On Jun 03, 2024



The basic residential unit where economic production, consumption, inheritance, child rearing, and shelter are organized is called the:​

A) ​household
B) ​family
C) ​conjugal unit
D) ​marriage

On Jun 01, 2024



Abstract concepts removed from time and place is called _______________ and is unique to human language.

On May 29, 2024



What trends have been found related to suicide in communities of color? Describe the cultural and situations factors which help account for these trends.

On May 05, 2024

Trends related to suicide in communities of color have shown that these populations often experience higher rates of suicide compared to their white counterparts. This can be attributed to a variety of cultural and situational factors.

One cultural factor that contributes to higher rates of suicide in communities of color is the stigma surrounding mental health. Many cultures place a strong emphasis on maintaining a facade of strength and resilience, which can make it difficult for individuals to seek help for mental health issues. Additionally, there may be a lack of culturally competent mental health resources available to these communities, leading to underdiagnosis and undertreatment of mental health conditions.

Situational factors that contribute to higher rates of suicide in communities of color include socioeconomic disparities, discrimination, and trauma. These populations often face higher levels of poverty, limited access to quality healthcare, and systemic racism, all of which can contribute to feelings of hopelessness and despair. Additionally, experiences of discrimination and trauma can further exacerbate mental health issues and increase the risk of suicide.

Overall, the trends related to suicide in communities of color highlight the need for culturally sensitive and accessible mental health resources, as well as addressing the systemic factors that contribute to mental health disparities in these populations. It is important to recognize and address the unique cultural and situational factors that contribute to higher rates of suicide in communities of color in order to effectively prevent and intervene in these cases.


What is a "global mediascape"?​

A) ​global flow of information
B) ​dominance of structural power through the media
C) ​dominance of one country over another in global media
D) ​existence of a "third way," which is the media empire

On May 03, 2024



The surplus of women among the Kapauku is due to:​

A) ​loss of males through warfare
B) ​unbalanced sex ratio at birth
C) ​trading for women with neighboring groups
D) ​in-migration to the area

On May 02, 2024



Bonobos are the only primate species, besides humans, to routinely engage in sexual behavior when females are not ovulating.​

On May 01, 2024
