


The reason why so many price tags end in 95 or 99 is based on the understanding that consumers tend to overemphasize:

A) the first digit of prices.
B) the last two digits of prices.
C) the attractiveness of prices stated in cents.
D) the savings associated with even one cent.

On Jul 28, 2024



Boston Bank receives one of their payable checks made to the order of the Same Sex Alliance organization of Massachusetts for $1,000.The check comes from a valid account and there are funds in that account to cover the check.The CEO of Boston Bank does not agree with the mission of the Same Sex Alliance and refuses to honor the check.Boston Bank is within its power as a bank to do this.

On Jul 06, 2024



A manager who chooses the alternative giving the absolute best solution to a problem is making an optimizing decision.

On Jun 28, 2024



Departmental information for the four departments at Samoa Industries is provided below.​ Departmental information for the four departments at Samoa Industries is provided below.​   The Janitorial and Cafeteria departments are support departments. Determine the dollar amount of the Janitorial Department costs to be allocated to the (a) Cutting and (b) Assembly departments using the direct method. The Janitorial and Cafeteria departments are support departments. Determine the dollar amount of the Janitorial Department costs to be allocated to the (a) Cutting and (b) Assembly departments using the direct method.

On Jun 05, 2024

a. 4,000 ÷ (4,000 + 16,000) = 20%
20% × $150,000 = $30,000
b. 16,000 ÷ (4,000 + 16,000) = 80%
80% × $150,000 = $120,000


External networks typically include customers,suppliers,regulatory agencies,pressure groups,professional peers,and friends.

On May 29, 2024



Explain the importance of the breakeven point for small business and the difference between fixed and variable costs.

On May 02, 2024

breakeven point
point at which the total cost equals total revenue, and the business neither makes nor loses money
calculating the breakeven point allows the price to be set above costs, thus obtaining a profit
fixed costs
costs that do not change with the number of sales
variable costs
costs that do change in direct proportion to sales


The amount of money that a small business owner needs to borrow is the difference between the pro forma assets and ______.

A) projected sales
B) projected expenses
C) owner's equity
D) project liabilities

On Apr 29, 2024