


Explain the similarities between the World Trade Organization (WTO)and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

On Jul 21, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
The U.S.government promotes globalization by signing on to international trade agreements that lower tariffs and other barriers to world trade.The WTO and NAFTA are the most prominent of these agreements.Both were created to encourage trade, but share the same issues as many international trade organizations.International trade organization flaws include failing to include enforceable provisions on labor, safety, and environmental protections.They tend to operate as undemocratic bodies, with little transparency.


Explain the decision in Marbury v.Madison.

On Jul 18, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
In the case of Marbury v.Madison (1803), William Marbury had been appointed by President Adams to a position as justice of the peace for the District of Columbia, but the papers for his commission had not been delivered by the time Jefferson supplanted Adams in the White House.Jefferson's secretary of state, James Madison, refused to hand over the papers.Marbury asked the Supreme Court to order Madison, through a writ of mandamus (a court order directing an official to do something), to give him his commission.Marshall's opinion in Marbury v.Madison held that the secretary of state had wrongfully withheld the commission.But the Supreme Court, he went on, could do nothing to rectify this injustice because the authority to issue writs of mandamus, mandated by the Judiciary Act of 1789, was unconstitutional-it expanded the original jurisdiction of the Court beyond what was specified in Article III.Marshall crafted the doctrine of judicial review.He bolstered the power of the Supreme Court and avoided a confrontation with the Jefferson administration by ruling that the Supreme Court was powerless to reverse the action toward Marbury.But he advanced the Supreme Court's power in the long term by making it, and not the other branches, the final arbiter of constitutionality.


The two largest recipients of military assistance from the United States are

A) Israel and France.
B) Israel and Egypt.
C) Israel and Japan.
D) Israel and South Korea.

On Jun 19, 2024



Who has the MOST real power in the Senate?

A) the president of the Senate
B) the majority and minority leaders
C) the Senate president pro tempore
D) the chair of the Rules Committee

On Jun 18, 2024



Dr.Greene asks his interviewee a question that asks her to respond simultaneously both political preference and gun control in a single question.The question creates a false dichotomy creating the idea that the response must be one of the other,not both,and is an example of a(n)

A) double-barreled question.
B) overly complex question.
C) affectively worded question.
D) overly simplified question.

On Jun 16, 2024



The ________ oversees border safety and security (including immigration and customs) ;
Emergency preparedness; science-related concerns pertaining to chemical,biological,and
Nuclear threats; and information and intelligence analysis and assessment.

A) U.S.Marine Corps
B) secretary of defense
C) U.S.Army
D) Department of Homeland Security

On Jun 15, 2024



In an era of party decline, candidates for Congress

A) were chosen by grassroots groups.
B) still had to win support from party bosses.
C) were self-selected.
D) were mostly amateurs in politics.

On Jun 14, 2024



Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between so-called "whiteness"
And American citizenship throughout history?

A) American citizenship has never been tied to "whiteness" and the meaning of "white" has remained constant over time.
B) American citizenship has never been tied to "whiteness" because the meaning of "white" has shifted considerably over time.
C) American citizenship has always been tied to "whiteness" even as the meaning of "white" shifted over time.
D) American citizenship has always been tied to "whiteness" and the meaning of "white" has remained constant over time.

On Jun 12, 2024