


How did women attempt to infiltrate the public sphere in the mid 19th century?

A) They ran for public office.
B) They participated in reform movements.
C) Many women were beginning to own their own businesses.
D) They organized presidential political campaigns.

On Jul 23, 2024



Among the distinguishing features of the nation's economic picture in the Reagan years was ________________.

A) a wave of business mergers, often in the form of hostile takeovers
B) fewer insider trading scandals and less corruption in the world of high finance than at any other point in the twentieth century
C) a significant narrowing of the income gap between the richest and poorest Americans
D) the public's increasing preference for savings accounts over stock portfolios

On Jul 20, 2024



When, in late 1995, President Clinton refused to give in to the demands of the Republican-controlled 104th Congress concerning the federal budget, the Congress _______________________.

A) adjourned
B) brought impeachment charges against President Clinton
C) publicized incriminating evidence from the Whitewater investigation concerning Hillary Rodham Clinton
D) refused to pass a continuing budget resolution, thus forcing the government to suspend all nonessential activities

On Jun 23, 2024



Examine the response of northerners in general and Republican Party leaders in particular to the Dred Scott decision. How did Republican leaders use the decision to strengthen their coalition in the North?

On Jun 19, 2024

The response of northerners in general to the Dred Scott decision was one of outrage and opposition. The decision, which declared that African Americans, whether free or enslaved, were not and could never be citizens of the United States, was seen as a major setback for the anti-slavery movement in the North. Many northerners saw the decision as evidence of the pro-slavery bias of the Supreme Court and the federal government as a whole.

Republican Party leaders, in particular, used the Dred Scott decision to strengthen their coalition in the North by capitalizing on the widespread anger and opposition to the ruling. They framed the decision as a clear example of the pro-slavery agenda of the Democratic Party and the incumbent administration of President James Buchanan. Republican leaders argued that the decision was a direct threat to the rights and freedoms of all Americans, and they used it as a rallying cry to galvanize support for their anti-slavery platform.

By positioning themselves as the party that would fight against the expansion of slavery and protect the rights of African Americans, Republican leaders were able to attract a broad coalition of anti-slavery activists, abolitionists, and disaffected northern Democrats. The Dred Scott decision became a central issue in the 1860 presidential election, and the Republican Party's strong stance against the ruling helped them secure the presidency for their candidate, Abraham Lincoln. In this way, Republican leaders effectively used the Dred Scott decision to strengthen their coalition in the North and build momentum for their anti-slavery agenda.


In 1918,Nannie Helen Burroughs was placed under surveillance by the War Department after she

A) publicly attacked President Wilson for refusing to denounce lynching.
B) called on black men not to enlist in the military until their right to vote was guaranteed.
C) published an editorial asserting that only a socialist government could solve the country's racial problems.
D) alleged that war was being fought not to spread democracy but to fill the coffers of rich capitalists.

On May 23, 2024



What was the outcome of the battle at the Alamo mission in Texas?

A) It resulted in defeat for those seeking Texas independence.
B) It was a victory for Texas independence.
C) It caused the death of Santa Anna.
D) It led to the capture of Santa Anna.

On May 20, 2024