Carnetta McCullough




If a number of newspapers published stories exposing an elected official's acceptance of
Monetary bribes from a corporation in exchange for passing a particular law,it would be an
Example of the media serving in their role as

A) a first branch.
B) a first estate.
C) a watchdog.
D) a judge and jury.

On Jun 21, 2024



The National Security Archive is a

A) private organization that makes extensive use of Freedom of Information Act requests to obtain information about the activities of national security agencies.
B) bureau-level agency in the Department of Homeland Security that classifies the security clearance requirements of all government documents.
C) part of the National Security Agency that classifies the security clearance requirements of all government documents.
D) private organization that the federal government contracts to provide backup copies for all national security documents.

On Jun 20, 2024



What is the organizational structure of Congress? What are some of the leadership positions in both houses,and what are their functions? What are some of the types of committees? Are there any important differences between the organizational structures of the House and Senate? If so,discuss them.

On Jun 11, 2024

There are three components to this question.
a.Leadership positions: There are four main leadership positions.The Speaker of the House is the chief presiding officer of the House of Representatives.The majority leader is the elected leader of the majority party in the House of Representatives or in the Senate.The minority leader is the elected leader of the minority party in the House or Senate.The whip is a party member in the House or Senate responsible for coordinating the party's legislative strategy,building support for key issues,and counting votes.
b.Committee system: There are several different kinds of congressional committees: standing committees (permanent committees with the power to propose and write legislation that covers a particular subject),select committees (temporary legislative committees set up to highlight or investigate a particular issue or address an issue not within the jurisdiction of existing committees),joint committees (legislative committees formed of members of both the House and Senate),and conference committees (joint committees created to work out a compromise on House and Senate versions of a piece of legislation).
c.Differences between the House and the Senate: The House is more centralized and organized than the Senate.For example,the House Rules Committee decides the order in which bills come up for a vote on the House floor and determines the specific rules that govern the length of debate and opportunity for amendments.The Senate,which has less formal organization and fewer rules,does not have a rules committee.In fact,through the use of the filibuster,small minorities or even one individual in the Senate can prevent the passage of a bill.Also,in the House but not the Senate,the majority leader is subordinate in the party hierarchy to the Speaker of the House.


What is the importance of the Declaration of Independence?

On Jun 06, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
In this document, written by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, American colonies announced themselves to be free and independent from Great Britain and set forth the revolutionary principle of democracy.The Declaration of Independence establishes equality as the basis for American political thought and makes "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" universal rights.It dethrones government as a higher power and renders it subject to the people's consent.It transforms the nature of political life, supplanting the commands of a king with the discussion and debate suitable to a free people.


What is the shadow welfare state?

A) the welfare that is distributed by local governments and special districts
B) tax breaks-credits,deductions,and preferential tax rates that subsidize social welfare
C) the welfare payments that the government is committed to paying in the future
D) private charities that have filled the gap left by reductions in government spending

On Jun 04, 2024



The average American

A) exhibits little knowledge of political institutions,processes,leaders,or policy debates.
B) exhibits generally strong knowledge of political institutions,processes,leaders,and policy debates.
C) exhibits little knowledge of political institutions and processes but generally strong knowledge of political leaders and policy debates.
D) exhibits generally strong knowledge of political institutions and processes but little knowledge of political leaders or policy debates.

On May 29, 2024



Most modern political campaigns are candidate-centered because

A) they rely on party leaders for decision-making support.
B) they focus more on images and personalities than on issues or parties.
C) candidates run them with little help from others.
D) candidates must pay for them out of their personal wealth.

On May 21, 2024



When did the Cold War begin?

A) in the late 1940s,soon after World War II
B) in the early 1950s,with the Korean War
C) in the late 1950s,with American involvement in Vietnam
D) in the early 1960s,with the Cuban Missile Crisis

On May 19, 2024



The last time Congress exercised its constitutional power to declare war was during

A) World War II.
B) the Korean War.
C) the Vietnam War.
D) the Iraq War.

On May 11, 2024



Margot is working on her research article on survivors of a recent flood.She is discussing who the people studied are,how they have been selected,what they have been told about their participation,and what steps have been taken to protect them from harm.Margot is working on which aspect of her methodology section?

A) Analysis techniques
B) Subjects
C) Data
D) Setting

On May 04, 2024