


Marriages in which either the husband or the wife has two or more spouses is called

A) polygamy.
B) polygyny.
C) polyandry.
D) monogamy.

On Jul 24, 2024



According to Michael Messner's research on men and sports, sports

A) no longer play an important part in most men's lives.
B) are a fun pastime but have limited effects on socialization.
C) play an important part in gender role socialization.
D) are now more important to women than to men.

On Jul 17, 2024



Robert Merton advanced the idea that labeling can bring about self-fulfilling prophecies or inaccurate beliefs that, if repeated loudly and frequently enough, can become true. Compare the ideas of Merton and those of sociologist Elijah Anderson, who believed that a self-fulfilling prophecy has contributed to racial conflict in the United States.

On Jul 09, 2024

Deviant labels are powerful and can override other aspects of individual identity. Labels can affect how we see ourselves, how others see us, and even how social and institutional policies are formed. A good answer should mention Anderson's Streetwise, which demonstrated how the belief that young black men from the inner city commit more crimes made itself true. This self-fulfilling prophecy worked, according to Anderson, because it cast a cloud of suspicion over young, black city dwellers so that police became more likely to arrest them and citizens became more likely to report them for committing crimes.


Why do news reporters often publicize tornado disasters that strike trailer parks?

A) because the metal attracts tornados
B) because trailers usually suffer more damage than other types of dwellings and therefore make a more sensational story
C) because news reporters are drawn to stories of affirmation
D) all of these choices
E) none of these choices

On Jul 06, 2024



The specialization of work tasks is commonly called:

A) the growing size of markets
B) the increase in productivity
C) the growing division of labor
D) growing demand
E) growing supply

On Jun 29, 2024



Think about a job you or somehow you know has worked that involved working with others. Then, describe how that job entailed a type of emotion work, perhaps because of the commercialization of feelings.

On Jun 17, 2024

In the modern service economy, more and more jobs require that people engage in the emotion work that Hochschild developed from her study on flight attendants and this is largely forced upon more and more individuals in our contemporary service economy


The minimal level of income that the federal government considers necessary for individual's and families' basic subsistence is called the

A) poverty line.
B) minimum wage.
C) welfare subsidy.
D) taxable income.

On Jun 09, 2024



The ____ approach to needs' assessment assumes that certain individuals are especially knowledgeable about the needs of a given community.

A) Social indicators
B) Key informant
C) Community forum
D) Primary contributor

On Jun 06, 2024



Marta has recently immigrated to Canada along with her parents and her young son. They share a house and she and her father work as janitors, while her mother takes care of Marta's son. This arrangement exemplifies which type of family?

A) a nuclear family
B) a traditional nuclear family
C) an extended family
D) a polyandrous family

On May 30, 2024



What is one reason that the antiracist aesthetic is not featured as prominently in venues such as art museums?

A) Those practicing the antiracist aesthetic are less talented.
B) There are very few people working in the antiracist aesthetic.
C) Whites are overrepresented in positions of power in such venues.
D) Audiences are not interested in the antiracist aesthetic.

On May 17, 2024