


Ten-year-old Malik is bored unless he is active or playing with other children.Realizing his needs,his parents have involved him in after-school sports and summer camps,and they allow him to play outside with other children as much as possible.His parents understand Malik's high need for

A) arousal.
B) homeostasis.
C) incentives.
D) drive-reduction.

On Jul 25, 2024



The hallucinations experienced by those who suffer from schizophrenia are most likely to involve ________ things that are not there.

A) seeing
B) hearing
C) tasting
D) smelling

On Jul 24, 2024



Define emotion-focused and problem-focused coping. Provide an example of each. In simple terms and in one sentence, describe how use of each type of coping is reinforced.

On Jun 25, 2024

Emotion-focused coping refers to strategies aimed at reducing negative feelings associated with exposure to the threat. Examples include anything that removes the threat from awareness, resulting in escape (e.g., intellectualization; use of substances; highly stimulating and distracting behaviours, such as eating-to-soothe, video-gaming, gambling, use of pornography). These methods are reinforced immediately by escape from the negative (punishing) feelings associated with awareness of the threat. Problem- focused coping refers to strategies aimed at realistically dealing with the threat itself, such as identifying the source of the problem and taking steps to rectify it. Problem-focused coping is rewarded eventually, through negative reinforcement (i.e., actual removal or reduction of the threat). The rewards are often delayed and require effort, and there is the experience of additional stress while coping with the problem.


According to Erik Erikson,the developmental crisis that occurs after intimacy versus isolation is:

A) initiative versus guilt.
B) identity versus role confusion.
C) generativity versus stagnation.
D) integrity versus despair.

On Jun 24, 2024



Several weeks after being fired from a job he had held for more than 20 years,Landon awoke one morning in a state of bewildered confusion.He had little sense of who he was and even failed to recognize his wife.Landon's experience is most indicative of

A) a dissociative disorder.
B) borderline personality disorder.
C) schizotypal personality disorder.
D) bulimia nervosa.

On May 26, 2024



The stage of tertiary circular reactions is when infants begin experimenting with thought and deed.

On May 25, 2024
