


The University of Lalaland has decided to move to a new system in dealing with employee complaints. It has hired a retired judge whose job is to listen to employees' complaints and then try to seek solutions through negotiation and mediation. What is the most likely title of this person's job?

A) complaint officer
B) hearing judge
C) arbitrator
D) ombudsperson

On Jul 27, 2024



Improving on time delivery of results to satisfy customers and reinforce or expand informal networks to satisfy employees are common reasons for the expanding use of:

A) assessment centers in selection
B) work teams
C) employee stock ownership
D) synergy
E) globalization

On Jul 26, 2024



Cash equivalents are short-term highly liquid investment assets that are readily converted to a known cash amount,and have maturities of one year.

On Jun 27, 2024



Global trade clearly has a significant impact on the economies of various countries. Explain how global interdependence impacts countries overall (a macro basis), as well as how it impacts individual organizations doing business within various countries (a micro basis).

On Jun 26, 2024

Global supply chain flows reflect the world economy and the trade patterns between and among the countries of the world. There is an underlying economic rationale for global trade that can bring benefits to the various trading partners. That said, the "economic pie" is not evenly divided. The economic strength of the various countries is based upon their inherent "factors of production" and some related economic, social, and political factors. Overall, global economic progress is dependent upon a united effort from the more developed economies to aid in the development of the lesser developed countries. Global interdependence can be good news or bad news on a macro basis. On the positive side, it can result in lower prices, wider availability of goods and services, land and resource development, and new employment opportunities for countries and regions of the world, both developed and developing regions. On the negative side, the interdependence can lead to global economic downturns or recessions, as was the case from 2008 to 2009, requiring government intervention to mitigate the problems. The recovery process was slow in some countries, causing some economic turbulence. The micro level examines how individual firms respond to the increased complexity and competitiveness of a global economy. These changes have resulted in shorter product life cycles, new forms of competition, and new business models. Outsourcing, off-shoring, and insourcing have become part of the lexicon of twenty-first century businesses. Information technology has allowed supply chains to be redesigned for more efficiency and effectiveness as well as better execution. Supply chain management has become an important, and for some organizations, even critical ingredient for their competitive strategy and success in this global environment. These companies have transformed themselves by changing their supply chains to take advantage of global opportunities.


Journalize the reversing entry on January 1 of the current year for the following adjusting journal entry from the prior year: Journalize the reversing entry on January 1 of the current year for the following adjusting journal entry from the prior year:

On May 28, 2024

The reversing entry is the exact opposite of the related adjusting entry: The reversing entry is the exact opposite of the related adjusting entry:   ​


Ford Motor Company has just announced that it will be laying off 10 percent of its manufacturing workforce,with layoff decisions based upon supervisor's evaluation of employee performance (i.e. ,the more poorly performing workers are to be laid off) .Supervisors should be careful to avoid ____ in their judgments about employee performance if they hope to avoid charges of discrimination or wrongful discharge by disgruntled employees.

A) the fundamental attribution error
B) the self-serving bias
C) the self-fulfilling prophecy
D) projection

On May 27, 2024