


If both partners believe that the mother is innately more nurturing,both will try to involve the father more in child care activities so that he can learn to be as good a parent as the mother.

On Jul 13, 2024



Is the United States a technopoly? Why or why not?

On Jul 10, 2024

The United States can be considered a technopoly in many ways. A technopoly is a society that is dominated by the influence of technology, where technology shapes and controls the culture and values of the society. In the United States, technology plays a significant role in almost every aspect of life, from communication and entertainment to business and education.

The dominance of technology in the United States is evident in the widespread use of smartphones, social media, and the internet. These technologies have fundamentally changed the way people interact, consume information, and conduct business. Additionally, the United States is a global leader in technological innovation, with Silicon Valley being a hub for some of the world's most influential technology companies.

Furthermore, the influence of technology can be seen in the way it shapes cultural norms and values. The rise of social media has led to a culture of instant gratification, constant connectivity, and a focus on image and appearance. Additionally, the reliance on technology for tasks such as online shopping, banking, and entertainment has become deeply ingrained in American society.

However, it is important to note that the United States is not solely a technopoly. While technology plays a significant role, there are still aspects of American culture and society that are not completely dominated by technology. There are still communities and individuals who choose to live more traditional lifestyles and limit their use of technology.

In conclusion, while the United States exhibits many characteristics of a technopoly, it is not entirely defined by technology. There are still elements of American society that exist outside of the influence of technology, but it is clear that technology plays a significant and pervasive role in shaping the culture and values of the United States.


How has the public's health benefited from access to high technology medical interventions? Would the health of the public be better or worse if we spent less on high technology and more on primary care-lessening access to high technology while increasing access to primary care?

On Jun 13, 2024

Access to high technology medical interventions has greatly benefited the public's health in numerous ways. These interventions have allowed for earlier and more accurate diagnoses, improved treatment options, and better overall outcomes for many patients. High technology medical interventions have also contributed to advancements in research and medical knowledge, leading to the development of new and more effective treatments for various health conditions.

If we were to spend less on high technology and instead focus more on primary care, it is possible that the public's health could suffer. While primary care is essential for preventive care and managing chronic conditions, high technology interventions are often necessary for more complex and specialized medical needs. By reducing access to high technology, individuals may not receive the advanced care they need, leading to poorer health outcomes and potentially higher healthcare costs in the long run.

In an ideal healthcare system, there should be a balance between high technology interventions and primary care. Both play crucial roles in promoting and maintaining the public's health. While primary care is important for promoting overall wellness and managing common health issues, high technology interventions are essential for addressing more complex and specialized medical needs. By prioritizing both high technology and primary care, we can ensure that individuals receive comprehensive and effective healthcare that ultimately benefits the public's health.



A) refers to the spread of the principles of fast-food restaurants.
B) suggests that McDonald's has turned lunch preparation into a model of rationality.
C) has come to stand for the global spread of values associated with the United States and its business culture.
D) All of the above.
E) None of the above.

On Jun 10, 2024



Over the last 40 years,adolescent suicides have

A) increased dramatically.
B) decreased dramatically.
C) remained about the same.
D) not increased as much as suicides among the elderly.

On May 14, 2024



Men who relinquish the role of breadwinner to their wives and stay home to care for the family and do the housework are called

A) house breadwinners.
B) two-person single career workers.
C) stay-at-home dads.
D) underemployed workers.

On May 11, 2024