Cassie Volpentesta




A(n) ________ is secured only by the reputation of the issuing firm.

A) Unfunded bond.
B) Straight bond.
C) Bearer bond.
D) Registered bond.
E) Debenture.

On Jul 13, 2024



Which statement is NOT an example of price discrimination?

A) Students receive a discount at the ice cream store when they show their college ID cards.
B) Women receive free admission to a nightclub,while men must pay a cover charge.
C) A country club requires members to pay annual dues,but members receive discounted prices to golf (relative to nonmembers) .
D) Street vendors increase the price of umbrellas when it is raining.

On Jul 10, 2024



TOMS Shoes operates with a one-for-one concept,one pair of shoes donated for every pair of shoes purchased.Is this concept most like cause promotions or corporate philanthropy? Why or why not?

On Jun 13, 2024

Cause promotions are aimed at supporting or increasing awareness about a cause via donations,for example matching customer donations dollar-for-dollar.Corporate philanthropy is a direct contribution from a business to a charity or cause.While TOMS one-to-one concept could be seen as a cause promotion,the primary intent of TOMS is to provide shoes to children that have none versus build awareness about children without shoes.TOMS donates the shoes directly (philanthropy)to the children (the cause)for every customer purchase.Awareness of the need is a natural result of the program,but not the overall intent or purpose.


What are Geert Hofstede's six cultural dimensions concepts? What is the value of his cultural dimensions concept to global marketers?

On Jun 10, 2024

Hofstede's six cultural dimensions include power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, masculinity, time orientation, and indulgence. The value is in understanding differences between a marketer's culture and that of a new target market. This understanding is particularly important in selling and marketing communications decisions.


If you were a teacher,how would you structure your classroom's goals to maximize cooperation and minimize competition?

On May 14, 2024

As a teacher, I would structure my classroom's goals to maximize cooperation and minimize competition by creating a collaborative and inclusive learning environment. I would emphasize the importance of teamwork and encourage students to work together to achieve common goals. This could be done through group projects, peer tutoring, and cooperative learning activities.

I would also promote a growth mindset and focus on individual progress rather than comparing students to one another. By celebrating each student's unique strengths and accomplishments, I would minimize the pressure to compete with one another.

Additionally, I would establish clear expectations for respectful communication and teamwork, and provide opportunities for students to practice and develop these skills. By fostering a supportive and inclusive classroom culture, I would create an environment where students feel valued and empowered to work together towards shared success.


Which of the following allows a defendant to be held liable for infringement even though the subject matter he used contained elements that were not identical to those described in the patentee's claims of invention,but nonetheless,may be seen as equivalent to those of the patented invention?

A) Literal infringement
B) Double jeopardy clause
C) Strict liability
D) Doctrine of equivalents

On May 11, 2024