


Rice Farm offers to sell Sushi Restaurants Inc. five hundred bushels of rice. Sushi responds, "We agree to buy five hundred bushels only if the rice is Grade-A quality." Without more, their contract is formed according to

A) the new terms of the acceptance.
B) whatever is reasonable.
C) the terms of the original offer.
D) none of the terms.

On Jul 23, 2024



In determining cost of goods sold, two alternate costing concepts can be used: absorption costing and variable costing.

On Jul 20, 2024



Refer to Table 14-1. The price and quantity relationship in the table is most likely a demand curve faced by a firm in a

A) strategic market.
B) concentrated market.
C) competitive market.
D) monopoly.

On Jun 23, 2024



Briefly define public relations. Why is public relations an important part of a marketing campaign?

On Jun 20, 2024

Public relations involves managing communication and relationships to achieve various objectives, such as building and maintaining a positive image of the firm, handling or heading off unfavorable stories or events, and maintaining positive relationships with the media. Students should be able to identify credibility and cost issues. They should also demonstrate an understanding of the scope of public relations activities.


Assuming a proper and timely claim is made, which of the following is true regarding the UCC's allowance of full recovery in the event that certain types of checks are lost, stolen, or destroyed?

A) The UCC allows for full recovery if a cashier's check is lost, stolen, or destroyed; but full recovery is not allowed if a teller's check or certified check is lost, stolen, or destroyed.
B) The UCC allows for full recovery if a cashier's check or certified check is lost, stolen, or destroyed; but full recovery is not allowed if a teller's check is lost, stolen, or destroyed.
C) The UCC allows for full recovery if a cashier's, certified, or teller's check is lost, stolen, or destroyed.
D) The UCC allows for full recovery if a cashier's check is lost, stolen, or destroyed; but in regard to a teller's check or certified check, full recovery is only allowed if the instrument is lost or stolen, not if it is destroyed.
E) Because individuals are expected to properly safeguard checks, the UCC does not allow for recovery if a cashier's, teller's, or certified check is lost, stolen, or destroyed.

On May 23, 2024



The four somewhat overlapping theories of how the entrepreneur is able to earn a profit are: (1)____________; (2)____________; (3)____________;and (4)___________.

On May 20, 2024

a reward for innovations;a reward for risk taking;monopoly profit;exploitation of labor