


Mrs.Janeese sleeps poorly during the 6 days she is hospitalized.After being discharged,she is very tired on her first night home.How would you to expect this to affect her sleep cycle?

A) Dreams will be prolonged.
B) REM sleep will predominate.
C) Stage IV NREM sleep will last 30 minutes during each cycle.
D) REM sleep cycles will be shorter than usual.

On Aug 01, 2024



Which of the following nursing practice areas would be addressed if a group of student nurses were to develop a healthy lunch initiative at their university?

A) Prevention of illness
B) Promotion of health and wellness
C) Regulation of health status
D) Restoration of health

On Jul 03, 2024



A female adult patient presents to the clinic with reports of a white discharge and itching in the vaginal area. A nurse is taking a health history. Which question is the priority?

A) "When was the last time you visited your primary health care provider?"
B) "Has this condition affected your eating habits in any way?"
C) "What medications are you currently taking?"
D) "Are you able to sleep at night?"

On Jun 30, 2024



A student nurse assigned to a female,observant Muslim patient noticed her discomfort with several of the male health care providers.She wonders if this discomfort is related to the patient's religious beliefs.In her preparation for clinical,she learned that Muslims differ in their adherence to tradition,but that modesty is the "overarching Islamic ethic" pertaining to interaction between the sexes (Rabin,2010) .The student nurse states which of the following to the patient?

A) "I'm going to request that you only have female physicians see you. Does having male nurses bother you as well?"
B) "I know that it's hard to get used to, but you just have to get used to it. That's how it is in America."
C) "It must be difficult for people like you to adjust to our ways, but there are limitations for all of us."
D) "I know that for many of our Muslim patients modesty is very important. Is there some way I can make you more comfortable?'

On Jun 03, 2024



Approximately how many complete sleep cycles does the average person go through in a full night of sleep?

A) 3
B) 5
C) 7
D) 9

On May 31, 2024



Which documentation of a patient's behavior best demonstrates a nurse's observations?

A) Isolates self from others. Frequently fell asleep during group. Vital signs stable.
B) Calmer and more cooperative. Participated actively in group. No evidence of psychotic thinking.
C) Appeared to hallucinate. Patient frequently increased volume on television, causing conflict with others
D) Wears four layers of clothing. States, "I need protection from dangerous bacteria trying to penetrate my skin."

On May 04, 2024



The nurse is reviewing case files for children at risk for injury resulting in brain injury. Which child is at most risk for experiencing this type of violence?

A) A Caucasian, 6-month-old infant living with a single mother
B) An African-American, 24-month-old child living with her grandmother
C) A Mexican, 3-year-old child living in an inner city apartment
D) A Japanese, 8-year-old child living in a home with three generations of family

On May 01, 2024