Charmine crews-lane




According to Learning from Experience: Working at United Parcel Service,UPS service providers are told to look at the package only once to fix the address in their mind.

On Jul 23, 2024



Which of the following is a disadvantage associated with joint ventures?

A) Increased political risk
B) Partners having different goals
C) Partners not sharing the costs
D) Unfair regulation

On Jul 22, 2024



What did Schachter mean when he said that "misery loves miserable company"?

A) To engage in downward social comparison,unhappy people seek out other unhappy people.
B) Distressful events create arousal,and under the correct situational conditions this arousal is experienced as love.
C) When facing a threatening situation,people seek the company of others who are facing the same type of situation.
D) During affiliation,individuals who are unhappy tend to make others unhappy.
E) Depressed individuals prefer the company of other depressed individuals.

On Jun 23, 2024



Andre's city has zoning regulations which govern the placement of a dwelling on property. Andre wants to build a new garage which would likely violate the zoning laws as it would extend beyond the space on which he is allowed to build a dwelling. What is Andre's best option if he wants to build the garage in that particular place on his property?

A) If Andre owns the property without any restrictions, he can build the garage wherever he wants.
B) Andre may seek a non-conforming use permit from the zoning board or planning commission, which is generally granted if he can show a legitimate private interest.
C) Andre may file suit against his city.
D) Andre may seek a variance from the zoning board or planning commission, which is generally granted if he can show undue hardship.
E) Andre has no option; he cannot build the garage where he wants to place it.

On Jun 22, 2024



Which of the following statements is false?

A) When computing the component percentages for the income statement,net income is the base figure.
B) Time-series analysis examines a company's performance over time.
C) It is often useful to compare a company's performance with that of a competitor.
D) The North American Industry Classification System assigns industry codes based on business operations.

On May 24, 2024



Nellie takes the bus to the train station every day. There are advertisements posted on the outside of the bus that change periodically. This is an example of

A) outdoor advertising.
B) print advertising.
C) direct marketing.
D) social media advertising.
E) mobile advertising.

On May 23, 2024