


According to conflict theory,families and society change as a result of which of the following?

A) the vicious cycle of morphogenesis
B) changes in the meanings found in the situation
C) shifts in the balance of power
D) the pressure of developmental tasks

On Jul 30, 2024



One of Scheingold's dominant characteristics of police culture is sympathy.

On Jul 27, 2024



When her community was attacked by armed militants, Juanita fled her home and went into hiding in another province in her own country.What do international refugee organizations call Juanita?

A) convention refugee
B) internally displaced person
C) economic migrant
D) voluntary repatriate

On Jun 29, 2024



Ethical relativism assumes that ______.

A) all issues are related
B) what is right or ethical may vary from person to person or culture to culture
C) answers to ethical questions are relative to the etiology of the problem
D) all people on the planet are related to each other in a symbiotic relationship

On Jun 26, 2024



Which of the following is an inaccurate comment about what is more "newsworthy" in the media in regard to crime?

A) Homicides are considered more "newsworthy" when the victim is White
B) Victims who are perpetrated against by a stranger are considered more "newsworthy" than a victim who knows the perpetrator.
C) Rape is the most likely crime to be reported.
D) Crimes against children are considered more "newsworthy" than crimes against adults.

On May 30, 2024



Diversity-of-citizenship cases filed in the federal district court may arise between

A) citizens of foreign countries.
B) a state and the federal government.
C) citizens of different states.
D) one state against another state.

On May 27, 2024



What is a grand jury? When is a grand jury called, and what procedures does it follow?

On Apr 29, 2024

A grand jury is a group of citizens called to decide whether there is probable cause to believe that the defendant committed the crime with which he or she is charged and therefore should go to trial. The federal government and about half of the states require a grand jury, and not the prosecutor, to make the decision as to whether a case should go to trial in felony cases. In other words, a grand jury's indictment is an alternative to a prosecutor's information to initiate the criminal litigation process. Even in cases in which grand jury review is not required, the prosecutor may call a grand jury to evaluate the evidence against a suspect, which will indicate to the prosecutor the relative strength or weakness of the case.
The grand jury sits in closed session and hears only evidence presented by the prosecutor-the defendant cannot present evidence at this hearing. Normally, the defendant and the defendant's attorney are not even allowed to attend grand jury proceedings-although in some cases, the defendant may be required to testify. The prosecutor presents to the grand jury whatever evidence the state has against the defendant, including photographs, documents, tangible objects, test results, the testimony of witnesses, and other items. If the grand jury finds that probable cause exists, it issues an indictment against the defendant called a true bill. Over 97 percent of the cases that prosecutors bring to grand juries result in an indictment. The indictment is filed with the trial court and becomes the formal charge against the defendant.


In regards to the timing of prosecution's pretrial disclosure of evidence to the defense ______.

A) courts are in agreement as to the timing as there are precise standards
B) courts are not in agreement as to the timing because the standards lack precision
C) courts require a hearing before disclosure can be made
D) courts have stated that judges must determine individually when disclosure must occur,and that date needs to be set prior to each trial

On Apr 26, 2024