


Leading black activists were opposed to which of the following ideas?

A) emancipation
B) deportation and colonization of freed slaves
C) full racial equality
D) black abolitionist leaders

On Jul 24, 2024



When applied to slaves,what did the word "Creole" mean?

A) a slave who was born in the Americas
B) a slave who was born in Africa but was "seasoned" in the Caribbean
C) an African-born slave who was transported directly from Africa to North America
D) a slave who spoke a pidgin dialect combining European and African languages

On Jun 29, 2024



Blacks eagerly signed up for service in the army and navy after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued. Describe the life of a black soldier. How did it differ from the experiences of black sailors? Overall, how important were black servicemen in the outcome of the war? Finally, discuss what fighting in the war meant to these men.

On Jun 24, 2024

After the Emancipation Proclamation was issued, many black men eagerly signed up for service in the army and navy. The life of a black soldier during the Civil War was incredibly challenging. They faced discrimination and unequal treatment from their white counterparts, often receiving lower pay and being assigned to menial tasks. Despite these challenges, black soldiers fought bravely and played a crucial role in the Union's victory.

Black sailors, on the other hand, faced similar discrimination and unequal treatment, but their experiences differed in that they were often assigned to naval duties such as serving on ships and participating in naval battles.

Black servicemen were incredibly important in the outcome of the war. Their contributions helped to turn the tide in favor of the Union, and their bravery and sacrifice helped to secure the freedom of millions of enslaved people.

For these men, fighting in the war meant more than just serving their country. It was a chance to prove their worth, to fight for their own freedom and the freedom of their families, and to show that they were just as capable and courageous as their white counterparts. It was a chance to make a difference and to be a part of a historic moment in the fight for equality and justice. Fighting in the war meant everything to these men, and their sacrifices and contributions should never be forgotten.


Which nation's revolution was deemed the "velvet revolution" by its leader,because it had been nonviolent?

A) East Germany
B) Czechoslovakia
C) Hungary
D) Poland
E) Romania

On Jun 01, 2024



What did Lenin argue in his "April Theses?"

A) The Russian peasantry had replaced the proletariat as the revolutionary class because Russia was primarily rural.
B) Wartime chaos had allowed the merger of bourgeois and proletarian revolutions,which could enable a quick transition to Bolshevik rule.
C) The Bolsheviks should work together with the Mensheviks to continue the war.
D) The proletarian revolution should wait until Russia had a bourgeois revolution.
E) The first step to revolution was the immediate assassination of Russia's royal family.

On May 29, 2024



Which of the following inspired Gabriel's Rebellion?

A) The emergence of an organized antislavery movement in the North
B) Antislavery statements by white ministers in the Richmond area
C) Antislavery statements by prominent Virginia politicians
D) Enslaved blacks' adaptation of the concepts of liberty and equality to their own purposes

On May 25, 2024



Which idea was shared by Deists and eighteenth-century European Enlightenment thinkers?

A) Obedience to the authority of the church was necessary for an ordered society.
B) Humanity was innately sinful.
C) Scientific laws governed the natural order
D) There was no God.
E) Only divine revelation could lead humanity to truth.

On May 22, 2024