


If advertising makes demand of a product less elastic,it makes sense for a firm to​

A) ​Decrease the price of the product
B) Increase the price of the product
C) Leave the price unchanged
D) ​None of the above

On Sep 26, 2024



Identify and describe three guidelines you would utilize in working with a diverse client using problem-solving therapy.

On Sep 23, 2024

1. Cultural Sensitivity: When working with a diverse client using problem-solving therapy, it is important to be culturally sensitive and aware of the client's background, beliefs, and values. This includes understanding how their cultural background may influence their problem-solving approach and being respectful of their cultural practices.

2. Flexibility: It is essential to be flexible in your approach when working with a diverse client. This means being open to different perspectives and problem-solving strategies that may be influenced by the client's cultural background. It also involves being adaptable and willing to modify your problem-solving techniques to better fit the client's needs and preferences.

3. Communication: Effective communication is key when working with a diverse client. This includes actively listening to the client's concerns, asking open-ended questions to gain a better understanding of their perspective, and using clear and respectful language. It also involves being mindful of non-verbal communication cues and being aware of potential language barriers that may impact the client's ability to fully engage in problem-solving therapy.