


Canada produces MP3 players and lumber, and the horizontal axis for Canada's production possibilities frontier represents the amount of lumber produced. Canada's borders are not initially open to trade, and the country consumes along its production possibilities frontier where the MRT and MRS equal the price ratio for the two products ($200 per 1,000 board-feet of lumber versus $100 per MP3 player) . If Canada opens its borders to trade with China at world prices for the two goods ($300 per 1,000 board-feet of lumber and $100 per MP3 player) , what trade pattern develops for Canada?

A) Canada will import lumber and MP3 players.
B) Canada will import lumber and export MP3 players.
C) Canada will export lumber and import MP3 players.
D) Canada import lumber and MP3 players.

On Jun 20, 2024



Three of the most common tools of financial analysis are:

A) Financial reporting,sensitivity analysis,transactional analysis.
B) Fair presentation,variance analysis,financial reporting.
C) Horizontal analysis,vertical analysis,ratio analysis.
D) Relativity analysis,financial reporting,fair value analysis.
E) Liquidation analysis,political analysis,fair value analysis.

On Jun 17, 2024



If you wanted to make sure that your calculation of elasticity between two points was the same,regardless of your initial point,you would use:

A) the absolute value of elasticity.
B) supply elasticity.
C) the midpoint formula calculation of elasticity.
D) the point formula calculation of elasticity.

On May 21, 2024



Which of the following groups is considered to be internal users of accounting information?

A) employees and customers
B) customers and vendors
C) employees and managers
D) government entities and banks

On May 18, 2024