


Garcia requires money to pay off debts that have been building up for a while. She chooses to borrow from an online money-lending site. She visits the site and enters the required amount along with the other necessary information and waits to hear from prospective lenders. The site that Garcia has used would receive a certain percentage of the loan amount as its fee. In this scenario, which of the following is Garcia most likely to use to find people who could give her the loan?

A) SoFi
B) WealthFront
C) Betterment
D) Ripple

On Jul 01, 2024



Identify the five most influential theories of motivation outlined in the text.Compare and contrast their strengths and/or weaknesses.

On Jun 30, 2024

Answers should mention:​
Maslow's hierharchy of needs theory: this has not been validated by clinical testing.As a classic theory,it demonstrates that satisfied needs do not motivate.
Herzberg's motivation-maintenance (two-factor) theory: he assumes people have higher-order needs and does not include workers who do not have these needs.His contribution was to emphasize the importance of enriched work.
Expectancy theory: based on the assumption that effort or motivation relies on your belief that you can succeed.This "somewhat-mysterious connection" is very powerful.Also,perception,which is difficult to measure,is an important element in this theory.
McGregor's theory X/theory Y: employees perform to their managers' expectations,whether pessimistic or optimistic.The typing of managers is simple and descriptive.
Goal-setting theory: goals may be too easy to achieve when effort is not needed.Appropriate (difficult but not impossible) goals are an excellent self-motivation strategy.