


Which assessment questions are most appropriate to ask a patient with possible obsessive-compulsive disorder? (Select all that apply.)

A) "Have you been a victim of a crime or seen someone badly injured or killed?"
B) "Are there certain social situations that cause you to feel especially uncomfortable?"
C) "Do you have to do things in a certain way to feel comfortable?"
D) "Is it difficult to keep certain thoughts out of awareness?"
E) "Do you do certain things over and over again?"

On Jun 17, 2024

C, D, E


Step 4

A) Review the research question with other research team members.
B) Only ask survey questions that only answer the research questions
C) Organize survey questions from easy to difficult
D) Write questions in a simple and concise manner
E) Group questions around similar concepts
F) In a written survey avoid skip patterns
G) Provide clear instructions for each transition in question type
H) Check the readability score
I) Proofread the survey several times
J) Pretest the survey
K) Pilot test the survey
L) Finalize the survey format

On Jun 09, 2024



The community health nurse is preparing a teaching plan on motor vehicle accidents.What information will the nurse include in the plan? Select all that apply.

A) The risk of being injured or killed in a car crash increases for older adult drivers.
B) Young children should be placed in the front seat of a motor vehicle so the driver can watch them.
C) Air bags have no effect on injury or death related to motor vehicle accidents.
D) Cell phone use while driving is directly correlated with an increase in motor vehicle accidents.

On Jun 05, 2024