


What were the Oslo Accords?

A) an outline that hoped to bring peace in the Middle East
B) a treaty between Israel and the United States
C) a pact to stop conflict in Kosovo.
D) a human rights treaty signed by NATO members
E) a commercial agreement between Palestine and the United States

On Jun 15, 2024



Anita Hill

A) worked for the Environmental Protection Agency.
B) charged Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas with sexual harassment in 1991.
C) testified against Clarence Thomas at Senate hearings, resulting in the denial of his confirmation to the Supreme Court.
D) retracted her sexual harassment charges upon Clarence Thomas's confirmation to the Supreme Court.
E) left politics to attend law school.

On Jun 14, 2024



As leader of the Pueblo, Popé claimed

A) the Pueblo could end their suffering if they converted.
B) that monogamy should be practiced by the Pueblo as a way of solidifying family relations.
C) the adoption of Christian names would increase their chances of eternal salvation.
D) the Pueblo had to regain favor of the gods by returning to the old ways.

On Jun 12, 2024



Which of the following statements about the case of Plessy v.Ferguson is LEAST accurate?

A) The case resulted from the arrest of Plessy,a man who was seven-eighths white,who refused to leave his seat in the whites-only section of a Louisiana train.
B) The case was instigated by black Louisianans who set up Plessy for arrest to test the state's new law segregating railroad cars.
C) Both a lower court judge,John H.Ferguson,and the Supreme Court of Louisiana,upheld Plessy's arrest.
D) Although the U.S.Supreme Court upheld the legality of "separate but equal" state facilities,it did so by a bare majority,with four justices writing heated dissents.

On May 16, 2024



Olaudah Equiano

A) wrote the eighteenth century's most widely read autobiographical account of a slave's own experiences.
B) was popular with Europeans for telling them that their culture was far superior to that of Africans like himself.
C) demonstrated in his writings that he perfectly fit the stereotype that blacks were savages incapable of becoming civilized.
D) led several Central American slave insurrections before his death that prevented the plantation system from entering the region.
E) was one of the few children of African-American and Native American descent ever to be the chief of his Indian tribe.

On May 14, 2024



How did the Bush administration handle Hurricane Katrina?

On May 13, 2024

Lack of coordination - the Federal Emergency Management Agency - Michael Brown and Michael Chertoff - Bush's "fly by" - Superdome


Yalta conference

On May 12, 2024

The Yalta Conference was a meeting held in February 1945 between the leaders of the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom. The conference was significant in shaping the post-World War II world order. At Yalta, the three leaders, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin, discussed the reorganization of post-war Europe, including the division of Germany and the establishment of the United Nations. The conference also addressed the issue of the Soviet Union's entry into the war against Japan, which ultimately led to the Soviet occupation of Manchuria and the Kuril Islands. The agreements made at Yalta had a lasting impact on the Cold War and the division of Europe, as well as the balance of power between the United States and the Soviet Union.


Who did Jefferson need to negotiate with in order to complete the Louisiana Purchase?

A) Spain
B) Britain
C) Louis XVI
D) Talleyrand

On May 10, 2024



Trace the changes in the constitutional arguments presented by the colonists against the actions of Parliament from 1764 to 1774. Why did these changes occur? Why are the changes significant?

On May 09, 2024

The constitutional arguments presented by the colonists against the actions of Parliament evolved significantly from 1764 to 1774. In 1764, the colonists primarily argued that Parliament did not have the authority to tax them without their consent, as they were not represented in Parliament. This argument was encapsulated in the famous slogan "no taxation without representation."

However, by 1774, the colonists' constitutional arguments had expanded to include broader grievances against Parliament's infringement on their rights and liberties. They argued that Parliament's actions, such as the Intolerable Acts, violated their natural rights as Englishmen and were a breach of the social contract between the government and the governed.

These changes occurred for several reasons. First, the colonists' experiences with Parliament's actions, such as the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts, led them to develop a more comprehensive understanding of their constitutional rights and the limitations of Parliament's authority. Additionally, the increasing tensions and conflicts between the colonists and the British government prompted a reevaluation of their constitutional arguments and a shift towards a more radical stance against Parliament's actions.

The changes in the colonists' constitutional arguments are significant because they reflect the growing radicalization and unity among the colonists in their opposition to British rule. The shift from a narrow focus on taxation without representation to a broader critique of Parliament's infringement on their rights laid the groundwork for the eventual Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution. It also demonstrates the colonists' evolving understanding of constitutional principles and their willingness to challenge the authority of the British government in defense of their liberties.