


If the absolute value of the correlation is very close to 0,the error in prediction will be ______.

A) high
B) low
C) very low
D) 0

On Aug 01, 2024



Ajax Corporation has $10 million in debt and $75 in equity. The debt to equity ratio in lowest terms is 2:15.

On Jul 11, 2024



A researcher wants to investigate the effectiveness of a cholesterol-lowering medication.The 450 participants are first divided into two groups - those suffering from diabetes and those not suffering from diabetes.Within each group the participants are randomly assigned to one of three groups.The first group will receive a low dose of the medication,the second group will receive a high dose of the medication,and the third group will receive a placebo.At the end of a six-month period,each person's cholesterol will be tested and the change in their cholesterol level will be recorded.The experiment is double blind.Within the group suffering from diabetes,those taking a high dose of the medication showed a marked decrease in their cholesterol level.Determine the nature and scope of the conclusion the experiment can reach.

A) Since the technicians administering the treatment could have been biased,no conclusion can be reached.
B) Since the physicians evaluating the results could have been biased,no conclusion can be reached.
C) A high dose of the medication may decrease cholesterol levels.
D) For people suffering from diabetes,a high dose of the medication may decrease cholesterol levels.
E) People suffering from diabetes may experience a decrease in cholesterol levels.

On Jul 02, 2024



A money market mutual fund purchased $1 million face value of Honda Canada Finance Inc. 90-day commercial paper 28 days after its issue. What price was paid if the paper was discounted at 2.10% simple interest?

On Jun 08, 2024



A production engineer wanted to know how long it should take to make metal rods with a lathe. Four rods were made, and the time was recorded. The results were 28.5 seconds, 29.2 seconds, 31.8 seconds, and 29.7 seconds. Compute the total time to make all four rods.​

On Jun 02, 2024

28.5 + 29.2 + 31.8 + 29.7 = 119.2 seconds


Perform the operation indicated and collect like terms: (4r - 3t)(2t + 5r)

On May 08, 2024

20r2 - 7rt - 6t2


Calculate the periodic interest rate for 4.8% compounded monthly.

On May 03, 2024



Find the domain and vertical asymptote of g(x) =−log⁡5(x+1) g ( x ) = - \log _ { 5 } ( x + 1 ) g(x) =log5(x+1) .

A) Domain: (−∞,∞) ( - \infty , \infty ) (,) Asymptote: x=−1x = - 1x=1
B) Domain: (−1,∞) ( - 1 , \infty ) (1,) Asymptote: x=−1x = - 1x=1
C) Domain: (−1,∞) ( - 1 , \infty ) (1,) Asymptote: y -axis
D) Domain: (0,∞) ( 0 , \infty ) (0,) Asymptote: y -axis
E) Domain: (0,∞) ( 0 , \infty ) (0,) Asymptote: x=−1x = - 1x=1

On May 01, 2024



The standard error of the sampling distribution of sample proportion, SE ( The standard error of the sampling distribution of sample proportion, SE (   ), depends on the value of the population proportion p, and the closer the value of p to .50, the larger SE (   ) will be for a given sample size n. ), depends on the value of the population proportion p, and the closer the value of p to .50, the larger SE ( The standard error of the sampling distribution of sample proportion, SE (   ), depends on the value of the population proportion p, and the closer the value of p to .50, the larger SE (   ) will be for a given sample size n. ) will be for a given sample size n.

On Apr 30, 2024



What is the difference between the nondirectional research hypothesis and the directional research hypothesis?

On Apr 29, 2024

A nondirectional research hypothesis reflects a difference between groups,but the direction of the difference is not specified.For example,the test scores of individuals receiving practice are different from the test scores of individuals who did not receive practice.A directional hypothesis reflects a difference between groups,and the direction of the difference is specified.For example,the test scores of individuals receiving practice are greater than the test scores of individuals who did not receive practice.