


How did the Japanese Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku assess generate prospects at winning the war against the United States?

A) It depended on Germany's victory over the Soviet Union.
B) They could only win this war with the use of nuclear bomb.
C) It depended on the evacuation of British forces from Dunkirk.
D) Japan would easily defeat the United States and the Soviet Union.

On Jul 12, 2024



Discuss the impact of the Second World War on the family and on the lives of children.

On Jul 09, 2024

The Second World War had a profound impact on families and the lives of children. Many families were separated as men were conscripted into the military, leaving women to take on new roles and responsibilities. This led to a significant shift in traditional family dynamics, with women entering the workforce in large numbers and taking on jobs that were previously held by men.

Children also experienced significant upheaval during this time. Many were evacuated from cities to escape the bombing raids, leading to separation from their families and disruption to their education and daily lives. Those who remained in urban areas faced the constant threat of air raids and the destruction of their homes and communities.

The war also had a lasting impact on the mental and emotional well-being of children, as they were exposed to the trauma of war, including the loss of loved ones and the constant fear and uncertainty of living in a war-torn environment.

Overall, the Second World War had a profound and lasting impact on families and children, shaping their experiences and the way they lived their lives for years to come. It also led to significant social and cultural changes, as traditional gender roles were challenged and new opportunities and challenges arose for families and children in the post-war era.


Which of the following is true of La Raza Unida?

A) It became the voice for militant Puerto Ricans in Los Angeles.
B) It was founded in the Southwest in the 1970s by Chicano activists and was instrumental in registering tens of thousands of new voters.
C) It was successful in bringing unity and a sense of common purpose to Latinos throughout the United States.
D) It acted primarily as a legal-aid organization to prevent deportation of refugees from Central America.

On Jun 10, 2024



Why did cigarettes become known as "torches of freedom" during the 1920s?

A) Women began to smoke cigarettes as an expression of personal freedom.
B) Soldiers returning from the war identified the modest comfort of a cigarette with American freedom.
C) For African-Americans in northern cities, cigarette smoking was an expression of a new and freer urban lifestyle.
D) By smoking American-brand cigarettes, immigrants could embrace American culture and leave behind the stigma of their ethnicities.
E) The prohibition on tobacco in many states made smoking an open act of rebellion.

On Jun 07, 2024



What share of evangelicals was voting the Republican ticket in the South by 1988?

A) 40 percent
B) 55 percent
C) 80 percent
D) 94 percent

On May 10, 2024



During the 1820s and 1830s, the state governments in the recently settled states of the Old Southwest became __________.

A) more and more corrupt
B) less representative of the masses
C) more democratic
D) less democratic

On May 08, 2024