


The parents of a newborn who has just died decide they want to hold their deceased infant. What is the most appropriate nursing intervention?

A) Explain gently that this is no longer possible.
B) Encourage parents to accept the loss of their newborn.
C) Offer to take a photograph of their newborn because they cannot hold newborn.
D) Get the newborn, wrap in a blanket, and rewarm in a radiant warmer so parents can hold their deceased infant.

On Jul 18, 2024



The _______________ provides positive expiratory pressure (PEP)with oral airway oscillations.

On Jun 20, 2024

Acapella device
The Acapella is a handheld airway clearance device.It provides positive expiratory pressure (PEP)with oral airway oscillations.Positive expiratory pressure stabilizes airways and improves aeration of the distal lung areas.During exhalation,pressure from the airways is transmitted to the Acapella device,which helps mucus dislodge from the airway walls and as a result prevents airway collapse,accelerates expiratory flow,and moves mucus toward the trachea.


The suffix that means spitting is ________.

On Jun 17, 2024



A patient has heart failure and cardiac output is decreased. Which formula can the nurse use to calculate cardiac output?

A) Myocardial contractility * Myocardial blood flow
B) Ventricular filling time/Diastolic filling time
C) Stroke volume * Heart rate
D) Preload/Afterload

On May 21, 2024



The nurse is assessing how a patient's pain is affecting mobility. Which assessment question is most appropriate?

A) "Have you considered working with a physical therapist?"
B) "What activities, if any, has your pain prevented you from doing?"
C) "Would you please rate your pain on a scale from 0 to 10 for me?"
D) "When does your pain medication typically take effect on your pain?"

On May 18, 2024