


What is the difference between bonuses and team awards?

A) Bonuses are for bigger work groups, whereas team awards are for small teams.
B) Unlike bonuses, team awards encourage cooperation.
C) Bonuses are usually given to employees who meet deadlines, whereas team awards are given only when the team as a whole meets the targets.
D) Unlike team awards, bonuses encourage competition among individuals.
E) Bonuses reward attainment of a specific goal, whereas team awards reward performance measured more broadly.

On Jul 26, 2024



Brandon's computer shop has hired a consultant to help apply operation management techniques to increase profits. Currently the shop sells most of its computers to a high-end customized online retailer and sales are steady at 250 per month. A single work cell produces the computers. To produce the computer three operations are required. First the parts must be assembled, next software must be installed, and finally the computer must be safely packed and labeled for shipping. These operations take 2 hours, 5 hours, and 1 hour respectively. If there are 6 available work hours each day and the shop operates 20 days per month find:
A: The takt time
B: The number of workers Brandon should hire

On Jul 24, 2024

Takt time = (6 hours/day ∗ 20 days/month)/(250 units/month) = .48 hours per computer.
Total operation time = 2 + 5 + 1 = 8 hours. Workers required = Operation time/Takt Time = 8/.48 = 16.67 = 17 workers required.


Which of the following elements of the factor weighting technique in supplier selection analysis does NOT contain a certain degree of subjectivity?

A) the formula used to calculate the total weighted score for each supplier
B) the weights applied to each supplier criterion
C) the scores for each potential supplier on each criterion
D) the set of supplier criteria
E) the numerical scale used to rate suppliers

On Jun 26, 2024



Dollar General switches to VMI for two different producers of beef jerky.It is likely that the overall inventory level of beef jerky in the store will increase over levels before they went to VMI.

On Jun 24, 2024



A firm had a piece of machinery that cost $7,000 when new and has accumulated $4,500 in depreciation. If the machine is sold for $4,000, which of the following is true?

A) The firm has a taxable gain of $4,000 on the sale of the machine
B) The firm has a taxable gain of $1,500 on the sale of the machine
C) The firm has a deductible loss of $3,000 on the sale of the machine
D) The firm has a taxable gain of $7,000 on the sale of the machine

On May 26, 2024



The longest expansion since records have been kept began in

A) March 1991.
B) November 1982.
C) July 1980.
D) March 1975.

On May 25, 2024