


Which statement are false?

A) The unemployment rate for blacks has consistently been double that of whites.
B) The largest source of income is property income.
C) Women have traditionally earned 60% of what men have earned.
D) None of the statements is false.

On Jul 19, 2024



When is constructive notification sufficient for an agent's apparent authority to end?

A) For third parties who have previously dealt with the agent.
B) For third parties who have begun to deal with the agent.
C) For third parties who are aware of the agency but did no business with the agent.
D) Never.

On Jul 16, 2024



What is the difference between a custom and a more?

On Jun 19, 2024

A custom is a norm handed down from the past that controls basic behaviours, such as division of labour in a household or the practice of particular ceremonies.
A more is a custom with a strong moral overtone. A more often involves a taboo, or forbidden behaviour, such as incest or cannibalism. Violation of a more often meets with strong punishment from other members of a society.


Which of the following financed the largest share of health care spending in the U.S. in 2017?

A) Medicare
B) Medicaid
C) copayments and deductions paid by patients
D) military and other public insurance (excl. Medicare and Medicaid)

On Jun 16, 2024



Which of the following best explains what social media are?

A) Anything that involves delivering hosted services online.
B) The means to harness the collective knowledge of a crowd to solve problems and complete tasks.
C) The online means of communication,conveyance,collaboration,and cultivation among interconnected and interdependent networks.
D) Sets of labels or tags that individuals choose in a way that makes sense to them,as opposed to using predefined keywords.
E) People who share their views about a product or service,even though they're not affiliated with the company.

On May 20, 2024



Rank the projects according to the profitability index, from most profitable to least profitable.

A) E, C, D
B) E, D, C
C) D, C, E
D) C, E, D

On May 17, 2024