


The _______ becomes the reinforcer for the rat to receive a reward for his behavior.

A) electric shock
B) food
C) Skinner Box
D) the experimenter

On Jul 20, 2024



Pinker and Bloom suggest that language is an evolutionary adaptation.What does language allow us to do,in their theory

A)  avoid heuristic fallacies 
B)  acquire information about the world second-hand 
C)  engage in more efficient introspection 
D)  use trial-and-error learning more effectively

On Jul 17, 2024



Summarize criticisms of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning.

On Jun 20, 2024

A good answer would include the following key points:
-Kohlberg's theory has been criticized because it is based solely on observations within Western cultures.
-Members of industrialized,technically advanced societies move through morality stages faster than members of nonindustrialized countries.
-One explanation for this cultural difference is that Kohlberg's view involves governmental and societal institutions (such as the police and court system),whereas nonindustrialized cultures' morality may be based on the relationship between people in a village.
-Kohlberg's view of moral reasoning also does not explain females' moral judgments because his data was based on males.


A New View of Women's Sexual Problems is a unique approach to looking at sexual problems because it

A) labels sexual function difficulties as disorders and characterizes them according to Masters and Johnson's sexual response cycle
B) focuses on lesbian health issue relationships
C) classifies women's sexual function difficulties based on women's needs and sexual realities
D) translates the DSM-5 categories into laypeople's language

On Jun 17, 2024



Identify a true statement about qualitative methods of research in psychology.

A) They explore a topic in an open-ended way, without trying to systematically count or manipulate behaviors.
B) They determine whether two or more variables are related to each other, but they fail to determine whether that relationship is causal.
C) They allow for the use of random samples, so that the results can be generalized, or applied to more people than just the few who were studied.
D) They include methods such as surveys that report the beliefs, attitudes, or opinions of groups of people.

On May 21, 2024



Veronica has experienced severe bullying by her peers.Which of the following is true regarding Veronica?

A) She is likely to experience poor physical health.
B) She is likely to experience greater psychological distress.
C) She is likely to experience poor physical health and greater psychological distress.
D) She is not likely to experience poor physical health nor psychological distress.

On May 18, 2024