


Richard is very concerned about how other people perceive him.He goes to great lengths ensuring that he projects the right impression.It is likely that Richard has ______.

A) low self-monitoring
B) high self-presentational motivation
C) social anxiety
D) low self-efficacy

On Sep 27, 2024



According to attribution theory, what three dimensions do individuals evaluate when they are trying to explain the underlying causes of behavior?

On Sep 23, 2024

Attributions vary along three dimensions.The first dimensions assesses whether the cause is internal or external.Internal attributions include all causes internal to the person, such as his or her traits or abilities.External attributions include all causes external to the person, such as social pressure, aspects of the social situation, money, the weather, or luck.For example, did Beth get an A on the test because she is smart or because the test was easy? The second dimension assesses the stability of the cause.Is the cause relatively enduring and permanent, or is it temporary? Did Aaron blow up at his girlfriend because he is a hostile guy or because he was in a bad mood that day? The third dimension involves assessing whether the cause is controllable or uncontrollable.We perceive that we can control some causes (for instance, by preparing delicious food for a picnic) but not others (if it rains that day).