


The four obstacles to logical thinking during the preoperational period include centration,focus on appearance,irreversibility,and _____.

On Jul 27, 2024

static reasoning


Which part(s) of a serial list is/are remembered most poorly? Which part(s) is/are remembered the best?

On Jul 25, 2024

The part of a serial list that is remembered most poorly is typically the middle section. This is because the items in the middle of a list are often overshadowed by the items at the beginning and end, making them more difficult to recall.

On the other hand, the parts of a serial list that are remembered the best are usually the first and last items. This is due to the primacy and recency effects, which suggest that people are more likely to remember the first few items on a list (primacy effect) and the last few items on a list (recency effect) compared to the items in the middle. These effects are thought to be related to the way information is processed and stored in memory.

Overall, the middle section of a serial list is remembered most poorly, while the first and last items are remembered the best.


What does recent research suggest about the validity of first impressions?

A) First impressions based on configural properties of faces may have some validity.
B) First impressions based on the size of the target's nose have a surprising amount of validity.
C) First impressions based on the shape of the target's mouth have a surprising amount of validity.
D) First impressions based on face judgments have no validity.

On Jul 24, 2024



As light passes through the eye it is focused by the ____________________, which always focuses light in the same way, and the ____________________, which is flexible and enables focusing on objects at different distances by varying its thickness.

On Jun 27, 2024

cornea, lens


Random assignment of participants to conditions and experimental control of extraneous variables allows researchers to infer internal validity.

On Jun 24, 2024



Which of the following types of brain imaging techniques does your textbook note can be used for neurofeedback data collection?

A) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
B) positron emission tomography (PET)
C) computed axial tomography (CAT)
D) electromyography (EMG)

On Jun 23, 2024



A __________ approach to classification recognizes that a disorder may be mild or severe, while with a __________ approach, the disorder is either present or not.

A) categorical; dimensional
B) dimensional; categorical
C) discrete; continuous
D) reliable; valid
E) valid; reliable

On May 25, 2024



Research on reading indicates that we typically read short, familiar words

A) one letter at a time.
B) one syllable at a time.
C) one word at a time.
D) more than just one word at a time.

On May 24, 2024



Two months ago, your best friend did not win a major scholarship that she had been counting on to help pay for graduate school. Now she is always fighting with you, her boyfriend, and her roommates. She is most likely using the defense mechanism called

A) regression.
B) displacement.
C) projection.
D) identification.

On May 23, 2024