


_____ may result when people discover inconsistencies between their values and behaviors.​

A) Cognitive dissonance​
B) ​Looseness of association
C) ​Emotional excesses
D) ​Comorbidity

On Aug 02, 2024



Sugar Sweet is a social worker at the Caring Acres Retirement Home. Sugar's co-workers have noticed that she has begun to verbalize a sense of helplessness as well as hopelessness about clients. She also has been observed to speak of the clients in derogatory or flip terms. Freudenberger would describe Sugar's behavior as

A) burnout.
B) typical.
C) overload.
D) meltdown.

On Jul 08, 2024



Which of the following is a valid reason for monitoring the progress of clients toward goal attainment?​

A) ​To support research on practice methods
B) ​To assess motivation for the change effort
C) ​To report measures of recorded baseline data
D) ​To evaluate the effectiveness of interventions

On Jun 29, 2024



Describe how a social worker can demonstrate the competency of engaging in practice-informed research and research-informed practice.

On Jun 07, 2024

Answers may vary. Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards Competency 5 requires that social workers engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice. To fulfill this competency, social workers use their practice experience to inform research, employ evidence-based interventions, evaluate their own practice, and use research findings to improve practice, policy, and social service delivery. This competency requires that social workers be knowledgeable about quantitative and qualitative research, understand scientific and ethical approaches to building knowledge, and use their practice experience to inform scientific inquiry and use research evidence to inform their practice.


In which of the following ways can a social worker enhance self-awareness of his or her behavioral patterns while interacting with a client?

A) ​By having an individual opinion during sessions
B) ​By reviewing videotapes of his or her previous sessions
C) ​By repeatedly advising the client to follow what he or she believes in
D) ​By focusing on one "pet" solution that is applicable to all clients

On May 27, 2024



Discuss how you would use Erlich and Rivera's levels of community contact in developing resources for a diverse group.

On May 26, 2024

Answers may vary. Rivera and Erlich (1998), in analyzing models of community development or organizing, challenge the assumption that prevailing models (i.e., locality development, social planning, and social action) are colorblind and therefore applicable in any community. They conclude that there are additional factors to be considered in working with communities of color:
Racial, ethnic, and cultural aspects of the community
Implications of this uniqueness in particular communities
The empowerment process and the development of a critical consciousness
Rivera and Erlich's work is intended to guide our thinking in planning and organizing and, in fact, represents a significant contribution to organizing strategies. Heretofore, methods had an implicit assumption that good intentions sufficed in community interventions and that, unlike direct practice, considerations of race, ethnicity, and culture in this work were secondary. The three levels of contact for entry into communities, as conceptualized by Rivera and Erlich (1998), facilitate a greater understanding of work with diverse groups and of the roles beyond those traditionally considered in social work.
Primary: Requires that an individual have the same racial, cultural, and linguistic background as the community. The community is open to and respects this individual.
Secondary: The individual need not be a member of the same racial, ethnic, or cultural group but should be closely aligned and sensitive to community needs. He or she may serve as a liaison to the broader community and facilitate contact with institutions outside the community.
Tertiary: The individual is an "outsider" yet shares the community's concerns. The practitioner's skills and access to power-rather than his or her ethnic, racial, or cultural identity-are valued assets.


Briefly explain the types of goals.​

On May 24, 2024

Answers may vary. Goals may initially be expressed in broad terms. Examples include change in cognitive functioning (e.g., increase positive self-talk), emotional functioning (e.g., manage anger), or a behavioral change (e.g., listen to others without interrupting). In some instances, change may require combining overt and covert goals. An overt goal requires action, whereas a covert goal involves changing thoughts or feeling.​
Goals may be further categorized by both type and function. Specifically, goals may be shared or reciprocal depending on the systems or subsystems involved. When the target system is a couple, family, or group, goals typically involve changes on the part of all the relevant participants in the system. In these larger systems, shared goals are held in common and agreed upon by members of the system. Reciprocal goals have some elements of a shared goal in that they are also developed in conjunction with all parties involved. With reciprocal goals, all involved agree upon exchanges of different behavior and to act or respond to each other in a different manner.


A social worker tells a client, "You do not really think that by dropping out of school you are going to get a great job and make a lot of money?" This statement by the social worker exemplifies that he or she is asking a(n) :

A) ​scaling question.
B) ​open-ended question.
C) ​leading question.
D) ​stacked question.

On May 22, 2024



What strengths does this approach have for working with diverse clients? What are the weaknesses?

On May 21, 2024

The strengths of this approach for working with diverse clients include its ability to be flexible and adaptable to different cultural backgrounds, communication styles, and individual needs. This approach also emphasizes the importance of building trust and rapport with clients, which is essential for effectively working with diverse populations. Additionally, this approach may incorporate elements of cultural competence and sensitivity, which can help to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for clients from varied backgrounds.

However, the weaknesses of this approach may include the potential for unintentional bias or assumptions about clients based on their cultural background. It may also be challenging to fully understand and address the unique needs and experiences of each diverse client within a standardized approach. Additionally, this approach may require ongoing training and education to ensure that therapists are equipped to effectively work with clients from diverse backgrounds. Overall, while this approach has strengths for working with diverse clients, it is important to remain mindful of its limitations and continuously strive to improve cultural competence and responsiveness in therapy.