


What is expectancy and reinforcement value, according to Rotter? How do they influence Randall's decision to argue/fight with a schoolmate who is verbally abusive?

On Jul 20, 2024

Expectancy is a belief about what will happen if we act in a certain way.Reinforcement value is a matter of preferring one reinforcer over another.For Rotter, expectancy and reinforcement value determine the strength of the behavior potential and therefore the likelihood that it will be chosen as a course of action.The respect and attention Randall gets by fighting/arguing is more important (i.e., has more reinforcement value) than being allowed to stay in school, when he is making the decision to fight or walk away from schoolmate's insults.Relatedly, the fact that Randall can predict the outcomes of each of these behavior potentials (such as being suspended from school if he gets into another fight) is expectancy.


People from collectivist cultures ___________ than those from individualistic cultures.

A) tend to be more self-critical
B) tend to be less self-critical
C) tend to be about the same in self-criticism
D) tend to exhibit greater optimism

On Jul 18, 2024



Why does natural selection favor flexibility in behavior?

A) Species evolve in highly changing environments.
B) Animals should be able to behave randomly to keep predators guessing about their behavior.
C) Animals should behave in highly flexible ways so that they increase the chance of emitting the best behavior in the environmental situation.
D) Both a and b.

On Jun 20, 2024



Children become less picky about what they eat during the preschool years.

On Jun 17, 2024



Dual attitudes consist of ____.

A) automatic attitudes and deliberate attitudes
B) conditioned attitudes and unconditioned attitudes
C) cognitions and emotions
D) beliefs and opinions

On May 20, 2024



Which of the following statements might someone with a biological perspective make about schizophrenia?

A) it is a severe breakdown of the ego as a result of a disturbed relationship between mother and child
B) its symptoms are shaped by the processes of reinforcement and extinction
C) its symptoms, such as irrational beliefs, are a severe form of illogical thinking
D) it is caused by genetics, chemical influences, and brain structural defects

On May 17, 2024