


Lazarus's view on stress emphasizes

A) the severity of the threat of amount of danger involved.
B) the reaction of the sympathetic nervous system.
C) our interpretation of the stressful event.
D) the consistent response across individuals to a single situation.

On Jul 10, 2024



Animals are most easily addicted to which type of drug?

A) opium
B) barbiturates
C) cocaine Cocaine. Animals become addicted to cocaine more readily than any other drug.
D) caffeine

On Jul 07, 2024



_____ is the proportion of observable differences in a group that can be explained by differences in the genes of the group's members.

A) Familiarity
B) Accountability
C) Heritability
D) Cognizance

On Jun 09, 2024



All of the following are true EXCEPT which statement?

A) Species other than humans can engage in prosocial behavior.
B) Identical twins show correlations greater than 0.60 on prosocial behavior.
C) Fraternal twins show correlations greater than 0.60 on prosocial behavior.
D) Infants as young as 3 months prefer others who are helpful rather than hurtful.

On Jun 07, 2024



The strong tendency to view one's successes as stemming from internal factors and one's failures as stemming from external factors is called the __________.

A) self-serving bias
B) actor-observer effect
C) fundamental attribution error
D) peripheral route error

On May 10, 2024



Explain scientific theories in detail.

On May 07, 2024

Social psychologists are not content to know what people do; they also want to know why they do it. That is why psychologists derive their hypotheses from theories.Theories are composed of constructs (abstract ideas or concepts)that are linked together in a logical way. They are called "constructs" because the researcher must construct them or build them up by specifying their dimensions. For example, the construct of "aggression" may have multiple dimensions such as physical versus verbal, direct versus indirect, passive versus active. A theory is more than a hunch-it explains why something is expected to occur.
In science, a theory is not just a guess. It's a well-substantiated, well-supported, well-documented explanation for observations. For example, just because it's called the "theory of gravity," doesn't mean that it is just a guess. The theory of gravity is based on well-established physics principles, has been tested many times, and has been supported by many observations. Likewise, social psychological theories are not just guesses or hunches about human behavior.