


How can an organization use the performance appraisal process to protect the company from claims of discriminatory practices?

A) By keeping the job descriptions up to date
B) By requiring all appraisals be written in a subjective voice
C) By requiring all appraisals be given using an indirect format
D) By evaluating all employees consistently and fairly
E) By giving key employees a review at least once per year

On Aug 02, 2024



Today car-buying customers can enter negotiation armed with accurate facts and figures about a car.Describe how car buyers felt before the age of the Internet.

On Jul 30, 2024

Before the age of the Internet,many consumers approached buying a car with the same enthusiasm as visiting the dentist.Customers knew their role was to scoff at the asking price,threaten to walk away from the vehicle,and generally engage in tough negotiation postures in order to get the best deal.Still,after they drove the car off the lot,nagging doubts remained about whether or not they paid too much for their new car.


The Earned Income Tax Credit is available to all taxpayers, regardless of income level.

On Jul 03, 2024



How does a person's internal locus of control affect his or her attitude?

On Jun 30, 2024

A person with a positive attitude is more likely to have an internal locus of control. Happy people control their own destinies; they control their own futures. They plan and manage their time well.