


is the researcher who designed a 7-point scale to characterize sexual orientation. 

A) Alfred Kinsey
B) Albert Bandura
C) William Masters
D) Virginia Johnson

On Jul 29, 2024



When his clients indicated that they no longer needed to see him,Dr.Williams assumed that their problems had been resolved.Dr.Williams is ________ between their leaving therapy and their mental health.

A) assuming a confirmation bias
B) making an illusory correlation
C) establishing resilience
D) making a transference

On Jul 24, 2024



Vanessa's parents are African American. It is most likely they will socialize her to be

A) more independent than girls raised in traditional White households.
B) a full-time homemaker focused on her children.
C) meek and obedient to social stimuli.
D) independent and assertive with only girls of her ethnicity.

On Jul 23, 2024



A researcher administers a certain intelligence test to a large sample of adults. The test contains verbal, numerical, and spatial subtests. The researcher finds a correlation coefficient of .65 between verbal and numerical scores, a correlation coefficient of .75 between numerical and spatial scores, and a correlation of .55 between verbal and spatial scores. Do these data support the hierarchical model of intelligence? Why or why not?

A) No. The hierarchical model predicts that scores on the subtests would be unrelated to each other.
B) Yes. Scores on all the subtests are related to each other, but the correlation coefficients aren't extremely high.
C) No. The hierarchical model predicts that scores on two of the subtests would be very strongly related, whereas scores on the third subtest would be unrelated to scores on either of the other two.
D) No. The hierarchical model predicts that the correlation coefficients would be very close to 1.00.

On Jun 28, 2024



According to Triandis, cultures that tolerate very little deviation from cultural norms are high in

A) collectivism.
B) agency.
C) strictness.
D) tightness.

On Jun 23, 2024



An unlikable person is likely to be perceived more ________ a group discussion of that person's qualities,and a likable person is likely to be perceived more ________ a group discussion of that person's qualities.

A) negatively before;positively after
B) positively after;negatively after
C) negatively after;positively after
D) positively after;negatively before

On Jun 21, 2024



Alison had sustained severe injuries after being brutally attacked by a mad dog as a child.Following that incident, Alison has been experiencing an overwhelming sense of fear and paralysis every time she sees a dog.The fear is so intense that it keeps Alison from leaving her house.Alison believes that as long as she's inside her house, the chances of encountering a dog are slim.In the context of psychological disorders, Alison is most likely to be diagnosed with

A) social anxiety disorder.
B) specific phobia.
C) obsessive-compulsive disorder.
D) generalized anxiety disorder.

On May 23, 2024



Moral competence is to moral performance as

A) indirect is to direct.
B) ability is to performance in specific situations.
C) feminine is to masculine.
D) autonomous is to heteronomous.

On May 22, 2024



When assessing the cognitive abilities of children,Dr.Jones finds that Ralph has the ability to conserve length but is still fooled by conservation of mass tasks.As a Piagetian,which term would Dr.Jones use to describe this phenomenon?

A) equilibration
B) disequilibration
C) adolescent egocentrism
D) horizontal décalage

On May 21, 2024