


Individualized consideration is the special attention paid by a transformational leader to each follower's needs for achievement and growth.

On Jul 09, 2024



Which of the following is a type of on-the-job training?

A) assessment centers
B) role playing
C) interactive video training
D) internships
E) programmed instruction

On Jul 08, 2024



Explain why cash will never be adjusted in consolidation journal entries.

On Jun 09, 2024

- The text makes the point that one of the rules of consolidation is 'never adjust cash'.
- Although intragroup transactions affect the cash of group members,the group total cash will always equal the sum of the separate cash accounts of group members.


In the CPI, goods and services are weighted according to

A) how long a market has existed for each good or service.
B) the extent to which each good or service is regarded by the government as a necessity.
C) how much consumers buy of each good or service.
D) the number of firms that produce and sell each good or service.

On Jun 07, 2024



Is it possible for an asset to have a negative beta? (Hint: yes) What would the expected return on such an asset be? Why?

On May 09, 2024

While it is unlikely to observe a negative beta asset, it would have less systematic risk than the risk-free asset and would be expected to provide an even lower return. One possibility often cited is that of gold. The return would be less than the risk-free rate because, while the risk-free rate is determined by changes in inflation and the business cycle for the economy at large, gold, as an ultimate store of value, is not affected by these factors (at least to the same degree).


In Learning from Experience: José Sergio Gabrielli de Azevedo of Petrobras,there was so much outrage over the oil spill of January 2000 that ______.

A) environmental groups and local fisherman protested outside of Petrobras's headquarters
B) some protesters chained themselves to the entrance of the building
C) there were attacks on Petrobras executives
D) both environmental groups and local fisherman protested outside of Petrobras's headquarters and some protesters chained themselves to the entrance of the building

On May 08, 2024