


Describe Deaf Culture and what makes it unique from other cultures.

On Jul 23, 2024

Deaf culture is a unique and vibrant community that is characterized by its use of sign language, shared experiences, and a strong sense of identity. What sets Deaf culture apart from other cultures is its emphasis on visual communication and the use of American Sign Language (ASL) as the primary mode of communication. Deaf individuals often view themselves as a linguistic and cultural minority, rather than as individuals with a disability.

One of the key aspects of Deaf culture is the strong sense of community and connection among its members. Deaf individuals often come together to celebrate their language and culture through events such as Deaf festivals, ASL poetry slams, and Deaf theater productions. These events provide a space for Deaf individuals to express themselves and connect with others who share similar experiences.

Another unique aspect of Deaf culture is the value placed on visual communication and non-verbal cues. Deaf individuals often rely on facial expressions, body language, and visual cues to convey meaning and emotion, which can lead to a deeper level of communication and understanding within the community.

Additionally, Deaf culture has its own set of social norms, traditions, and customs that are distinct from those of hearing cultures. For example, Deaf individuals may greet each other with a hug or a handshake, rather than a verbal greeting, and may have different expectations around eye contact and personal space.

Overall, Deaf culture is a rich and diverse community that is defined by its language, shared experiences, and strong sense of identity. Its emphasis on visual communication, sense of community, and unique social norms make it a truly unique and vibrant culture.


An organized armed resistance or violent uprising to an established government or authority in power is known as a(n) :​

A) ​revolution
B) ​insurgency
C) ​tradition
D) ​ethnocide

On Jul 17, 2024



Why did the United States adopt the policy of hypodescent?​

A) ​By conflating the cultural and biological, the United States used this policy historically to discriminate.
B) ​This policy was primarily in place as a way to encourage families to produce more children across perceived racial lines.
C) ​Primarily applied to limit economic transactions across racial groups, it, instead, served to create a caste system in the United States.
D) ​Hypodescent was used during the epoch of slavery as a way to prevent social and reproductive interaction between the races.

On Jun 23, 2024



When Native People act reserved and quiet, it should be understood as

A) distrust.
B) respect.
C) withdrawal.
D) confusion.

On Jun 16, 2024



Speciation always occurs quite rapidly.​

On Jun 15, 2024



The global leaders in military spending in descending order are the United States, Japan, Britain, and France.​

On May 17, 2024



Which of the following did NOT contribute to Jewish Americans' ability to quickly climb the socioeconomic ladder?

A) Cultural legacy of literacy
B) Dark skin color
C) Hard work
D) Achievement orientation

On May 16, 2024



Which of the following is not one of the four base pairs?​

A) ​glucosamine
B) ​cytosine
C) ​adenine
D) ​thymine

On May 14, 2024



Which of the following industries generates about $3.5 billion in receipts daily and is considered a global industry?​

A) ​tourism
B) ​oil extraction
C) ​rice production
D) ​stock market

On May 13, 2024



What are the purposes of primate grooming?​

On May 11, 2024

It serves hygienic purposes to clean parasites and debris off the skin and is also a gesture of friendliness, closeness, reconciliation, and, at times, submission.​