


Name the 10 habits of a peak performer.Describe each habit and use evidence from your life to demonstrate how you use this habit to reach peak performance, or how you will establish this habit to reach peak performance.

On Jul 26, 2024

1. Goal Setting: Peak performers set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals to keep themselves focused and motivated. They regularly review and adjust their goals to ensure they are on track to achieve them. I use this habit by setting both short-term and long-term goals for my personal and professional life. For example, I set a goal to run a half marathon within six months and created a training plan to achieve it.

2. Time Management: Peak performers prioritize their tasks and manage their time effectively to maximize productivity. They use tools such as to-do lists, calendars, and time-blocking to stay organized and focused. I implement this habit by using a planner to schedule my daily tasks and allocate specific time slots for important activities, such as studying for exams or working on a project.

3. Continuous Learning: Peak performers have a growth mindset and are committed to lifelong learning. They seek out new knowledge and skills to improve themselves and stay ahead in their field. I demonstrate this habit by regularly attending workshops, reading books, and taking online courses to expand my knowledge and develop new skills relevant to my career.

4. Resilience: Peak performers are resilient in the face of challenges and setbacks. They maintain a positive attitude, adapt to change, and persevere through difficult times. I have developed this habit by facing and overcoming various obstacles in my personal and professional life, such as dealing with rejection when applying for jobs and bouncing back from academic failures.

5. Healthy Lifestyle: Peak performers prioritize their physical and mental well-being by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They exercise regularly, eat nutritious foods, get enough sleep, and practice stress-reducing activities. I have established this habit by incorporating regular exercise, balanced meals, and mindfulness practices into my daily routine to ensure I have the energy and mental clarity to perform at my best.

6. Networking: Peak performers build and maintain strong relationships with others in their industry to gain support, mentorship, and opportunities for collaboration. They attend networking events, engage in professional organizations, and connect with others through social media. I am working on establishing this habit by attending industry conferences and reaching out to professionals in my field to expand my network and learn from their experiences.

7. Accountability: Peak performers take responsibility for their actions and outcomes. They hold themselves accountable to their goals and seek feedback to continuously improve. I have embraced this habit by regularly reflecting on my performance, seeking constructive feedback from mentors and peers, and taking ownership of my mistakes to learn and grow from them.

8. Positive Self-Talk: Peak performers maintain a positive mindset and use affirmations to boost their confidence and motivation. They believe in their abilities and visualize their success. I have adopted this habit by practicing positive self-talk and visualization techniques to overcome self-doubt and stay focused on achieving my goals.

9. Adaptability: Peak performers are adaptable and open to change. They embrace new opportunities, technologies, and ways of working to stay relevant and competitive. I am working on developing this habit by being open to trying new approaches, learning new technologies, and adapting to changes in my industry to remain agile and adaptable.

10. Work-Life Balance: Peak performers prioritize their personal life and well-being alongside their professional pursuits. They set boundaries, take breaks, and make time for hobbies and relaxation. I am committed to establishing this habit by setting aside dedicated time for self-care, hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones to maintain a healthy work-life balance.


Mrs.Biegert assigns specific classroom duties to all of her first graders.She recognizes that classroom chores can help build resiliency in her students as they learn ______.

A) how to take orders and follow directions
B) to value their contributions and gain a sense of belonging
C) a work ethic and moral values
D) the importance of a clean and organized environment

On Jul 23, 2024



Your research leads you to the following information. What is the name for this kind of information presented in this fashion?
Publication Year: 1994
Language: ENGLISH
Pages: 223-39
Journal Name: PAPERS OF THE AUSTRALASIAN TRANSPORT RESEARCH FORUM, 1994, VOL 19, Journal Number: NA, Journal Volume: NA

On Jun 26, 2024

The kind of information presented in this fashion is typically referred to as a bibliographic citation or reference. It provides the necessary details to identify and locate a specific source, such as a journal article, book, or conference paper. This particular citation includes the title of the article, the authors' names, the publication year, the language of the article, the page numbers, the name of the journal or conference proceedings, and the volume number. The citation format appears to follow a standard academic style, which could be aligned with styles such as APA, MLA, Harvard, or Chicago, depending on the specific formatting rules applied.


Technician A says excessive clutch pedal free travel can result in a clutch that does not fully disengage.Technician B says that too little free pedal travel can result in a slipping clutch.Who is correct?

A) Technician A only
B) Technician B only
C) Both A and B
D) Neither A nor B

On Jun 23, 2024



It is counterproductive to label students who engage in deviant behaviors with medical/psychiatric labels.

On May 26, 2024



If our society were ruled by people who had proven their competence and ability to govern, it would be a ​

A) democracy.
B) meritocracy.
C) plutocracy.
D) aristocracy.

On May 23, 2024