


As Benjamin Franklin left the room in which the Constitutional Convention was held, supposedly a woman asked him, "What have you men given us in there?" He replied, "A republic, if you can keep it." What do you think Franklin meant by that statement? Certainly think back to the idea of a virtuous citizenry that all the founding fathers believed was essential. Your response should pull from the writings of The Federalist as well.

On Jul 02, 2024

Benjamin Franklin's statement, "A republic, if you can keep it," reflects the belief of the founding fathers that the success of a republic depends on the virtue and active participation of its citizens. In The Federalist Papers, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay all emphasized the importance of a virtuous citizenry in maintaining a stable and effective government. They argued that a republic could only survive if its citizens were willing to prioritize the common good over their own self-interests and actively participate in the political process.

Franklin's statement suggests that the creation of a republic was a gift to the people, but it also came with the responsibility of preserving it through active citizenship and virtuous behavior. The founding fathers understood that without an engaged and virtuous citizenry, the republic they had established could easily devolve into tyranny or chaos.

In essence, Franklin's statement serves as a reminder that the success of a republic is not guaranteed, and it requires the ongoing commitment of its citizens to uphold the principles of liberty, justice, and the common good. This idea is echoed in The Federalist Papers, where the authors repeatedly stress the importance of civic virtue and the active participation of citizens in maintaining a stable and effective government.


Assess the effects of the Marshall Plan.

A) It was a disaster because China became a Communist country.
B) It never went into effect because the U.S. Congress provided very little funding.
C) The plan struggled because the Soviet Union embezzled half of the funds.
D) The plan was controversial due to the discovery of George Marshall being a communist spy.
E) It helped to jump-start the economies of western Europe.

On Jun 30, 2024



The Revolutionary War weakened the deep tradition of American anti-Catholicism.

On Jun 28, 2024



Which of the following was a key difference between republicanism and liberalism?

A) Republicanism viewed social inequality as innate to society, while liberalism considered inequality as solely evidence of poor governance.
B) Republicanism stressed active participation in public life, while liberalism focused on individual rights that were essentially private.
C) Republicanism emphasized the equality of property owners and non-property owners, while liberalism rejected the idea of the "social contract" and the existence of "natural rights."
D) Republicanism embraced a limited role for government, while liberalism saw the government as having a role in enforcing public morality.
E) Republicanism was the first political school of thought to oppose slavery, while liberalism considered slavery essential to the liberty of white men.

On May 30, 2024



What was the focus of Hollywood films such as Mr. Deeds Goes to Town and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington?

A) an antihero who dropped out of society
B) ghosts that haunted cities
C) the fight against communism
D) a hero that defeated corruption
E) exposing Nazism

On May 29, 2024



According to John Steinbeck's "Harvest Gypsies," how were the migrant farm workers of the Great Depression different from those in earlier time periods?

A) Earlier migrants were paid more money.
B) Many of the migrants of the Great Depression had owned land.
C) The migrant workers of the Great Depression had never had homes.
D) The Great Depression migrants were treated with much more respect.
E) The migrant workers of earlier time periods were rarely immigrants.

On May 28, 2024



The work of farmers' wives and daughters often spelled the difference between a family's self-sufficiency and poverty.

On May 26, 2024
