Erica Bianca Torres




Moral anxiety is a conflict between the id and the superego.

On Sep 28, 2024



Using any two of the different perspectives of personality theory, discuss your own personality. What are your positive and not-so-positive attributes? Have you ever stopped to wonder how you became the person you are? What do you think contributes to the personality you have developed? Are there ways you'd like to change your personality? Do you think those changes are possible?

On Sep 23, 2024

As someone who is interested in psychology, I find it fascinating to analyze my own personality using different perspectives of personality theory. From a psychodynamic perspective, I can see how my personality is influenced by unconscious drives and childhood experiences. For example, I may have developed a strong work ethic and perfectionist tendencies due to early experiences with parental expectations and approval. From a humanistic perspective, I can see how my personality is shaped by my self-concept and the pursuit of self-actualization. For example, I may have developed a strong sense of empathy and compassion through my own personal growth and experiences with others.

In terms of my positive attributes, I am often described as empathetic, compassionate, and hardworking. I am also known for being a good listener and a supportive friend. However, I also recognize that I can be overly critical of myself and others, and I sometimes struggle with setting boundaries and prioritizing my own needs.

I have definitely stopped to wonder how I became the person I am today. I believe that a combination of genetics, early experiences, socialization, and personal choices have all contributed to shaping my personality. For example, my genetics may have predisposed me to certain traits, while my upbringing and social interactions have influenced how those traits were expressed and developed.

In terms of changing my personality, I do believe that it is possible to make changes, but it requires self-awareness, effort, and time. For example, I am actively working on being more forgiving of myself and others, and I am learning to set healthier boundaries in my relationships. I also believe that therapy and self-reflection can be valuable tools for personal growth and change.

Overall, I think that my personality is a complex interplay of various factors, and while there are aspects of myself that I would like to change, I also recognize and appreciate the unique qualities that make me who I am.