


We can measure total consumer surplus for good X as the:

A) sum of the individual consumer surpluses for all buyers of X.
B) area above the demand curve for X and below the price paid for X.
C) area bounded by the demand curve for X and the two axes.
D) area above the supply curve for X.

On Jul 16, 2024



Harwood Company's quality cost report is to be based on the following data:
Harwood Company's quality cost report is to be based on the following data:    Required: Prepare a Quality Cost Report in good form with separate sections for prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure costs, and external failure costs. Required:
Prepare a Quality Cost Report in good form with separate sections for prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure costs, and external failure costs.

On Jul 16, 2024



What is the difference between a learning goal orientation, a performance-prove goal orientation, and a performance-avoid goal orientation, and what effect do they have on learning and performance?

On Jun 19, 2024

A learning goal orientation is a preference to learn new things and develop competence in an activity by acquiring new skills and mastering new situations.A performance-prove goal orientation is a preference to obtain favourable judgments about the outcome of one's performance.A performance-avoid goal orientation is a preference to avoid negative judgments about the outcome of one's performance.A learning goal orientation has been found to be positively related to learning and academic, task, and job performance.A performance-avoid orientation is negatively related to learning and lower task, and job performance.A performance-prove orientation is not related to learning or performance outcomes.


A defining characteristic of an oligopolistic market is that there are

A) many buyers.
B) few buyers.
C) few sellers.
D) many sellers.

On Jun 16, 2024



A cross-functional team can be best described as

A) a mix of employees and outside consultants.
B) someone assigned devil's advocate role.
C) no more than three members.
D) both managers and nonmanagers from the same department.
E) a mix of specialists.

On May 20, 2024



The principal ways to collect new or primary data for a marketing study are by watching people and by asking them questions. Give two examples of each method.

On May 17, 2024

Observing people includes watching how people actually behave. For example, Nielsen uses a "people meter" to monitor what people watch on TV. Mystery shoppers who observe the behavior of retail clerks are another example. Watching people is another approach to collecting observational data that can lead to innovation. Asking people questions can be done using questionnaires, which ask people about their attitudes, awareness, intentions, and behaviors. It can also be done using depth interviews. Focus groups are another way of asking people, which involve informal sessions of 6 to 10 past, present, or prospective customers in which a moderator asks their opinions. [NOTE: Students may provide other examples, such as personal methods (ethnographic research), neuromarketing, trend hunting, questionnaires (personal, mail, telephone, and online/Internet), mall intercept interviews, social media, panels, experiments, information technology, and data mining.]