


The first step in the communication process is ________.

A) choosing a channel
B) encoding the message
C) decoding the message
D) eliminating noise

On Sep 25, 2024



Sofia is considering Daniel as an independent contractor to do clean up and maintenance for her building, which has several tenants. She is aware that Daniel has sued some previous building owners. He does a good job, however, and she would like to hire him. Daniel has agreed to sign an arbitration agreement. What should Sofia do to have a binding agreement that will be enforced?

On Sep 22, 2024

Student responses may vary somewhat. Following are suggested answers:
(1) Be clear and unmistakable in what is covered within the arbitration agreement.
(2) Provide for a bilateral arbitration clause.
(3) State explicitly which party will pay arbitration fees and make sure that it will not cost Daniel more to arbitrate than it would have cost to litigate.
(4) Specify how the arbitrator will be selected.
(5) Spell out the costs associated with the arbitration.
(6) Avoid limitations on remedies.
(7) Provide that the arbitration will be held in a convenient and close area.